New Member
First Android phone HTC Hero (yuck). Came from a JB IPhone 3G that wasn't doing it for me anymore. Currently on Droid A855. Rooted several times and crashed one too many times :motdroidhoriz: :dry:. Of the themes I've tried so far, most of the ones on ROM Manager, I think I had the most stability with Kangerade 5.0.9 recently...CM does not play nice with my phone. Not a seriously tekkie guy, but I can follow instructions. Currently on Chevy's SS, but my droid is melting every time I unlock it :icon_evil:....with ULV 1.1 kernel and stringent SetCPU its seems its back to Kanga. Need to figure out how to overclock Kanga, the best I've been able to get with the custom detect speeds was 1Ghz. That's plenty I guess....small price to pay for stability. Here I go....
:icon_ peace:
:icon_ peace: