I have been to 3 Corporate Verizon stores...
i am ready to pull my hair out...
No sent mail in my folders...when i sent mail...
i use aol....but thats ridiculous...
and also...i have an RCN account here in chicago..and it doenst even sync with this phone...
pleeeeez...if anyone reads this...can you email me..
at [email protected] in case i dont see the answer on the board...
i need to see MY sent mail..
no one knows the answer...to this....HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
i am ready to pull my hair out...
No sent mail in my folders...when i sent mail...
i use aol....but thats ridiculous...
and also...i have an RCN account here in chicago..and it doenst even sync with this phone...
pleeeeez...if anyone reads this...can you email me..
at [email protected] in case i dont see the answer on the board...
i need to see MY sent mail..
no one knows the answer...to this....HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP