drocap2 issue (after searching and not finding the answer)


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Jul 27, 2010
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I am rooted and I get the whole idea and I know how to use it but this thing is not taking screens like it should.

I shake, it notifies and the picture is just maybe a quarter of whats on the screen and it highly pixellated or out of focus

Take the lockscreen for example.... all that shows up on the screen is some of my wallpaper and Friday August 6th.

Can't see the lock and sound sliders, can't see the time or the notification bar.

Anyone know what I am doing wrong here?
I am unsure how to fix drocap. But, I can recommend an app called shootme. Its the one I use

Sent from my droid using Tapatalk
might as well try it. Anythings better than drocap2 in it's current state...lol

Thanks for the info yutzyscott
I am rooted and I get the whole idea and I know how to use it but this thing is not taking screens like it should.

I shake, it notifies and the picture is just maybe a quarter of whats on the screen and it highly pixellated or out of focus

Take the lockscreen for example.... all that shows up on the screen is some of my wallpaper and Friday August 6th.

Can't see the lock and sound sliders, can't see the time or the notification bar.

Anyone know what I am doing wrong here?

I'm having the same problem. Frustrating!
Had the same issue a few months ago and really don't remember what fixed it but I'd try and reboot after install. Restart Drocap2 and it should ask for root permission (if it didn't before) then set your prefs.

I'll check my notes this evening and see if I wrote it down.
Solved sort of. It appears to be an issue with getting along well with BB 0.4 (maybe other ROMS but that's what I use). SO nothing I did, just doesn't work.... yet.
drocap was weird for me too. I use screencap, but I will try the shootme later
I use "Screenshot it." It's about 3.00 in the Market and beats the crap out of drocap or any of the "shaking' ones.

You bring up the program, then you have 5 seconds to get to the screen you want to take a screen shot to. No shaking involved. Try it for 24 hours, if you don't like it you can always get a refund.
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