Driod 1 down, new Driod on the way


Aug 4, 2010
Reaction score
Forest Hill, Md
Well this stinks...out of the blue this afternoon my Droid 1 started acting all buggy jumping from app to app and not letting me control anything. Had to pull the battery to shut it down. Took it to the Verizon store where they did a hard reset. Not 10 minutes form the store and it does it again. Went right back and they're overnighting a replacement. Of course that means Friday so yea! I get to spend the weekend trying to remember all the things I downloaded over the past 6 months... I guess it's good that most things were moved to my sd card so I hope most things are saved???
Sorry to hear that. Well your contacts are backked by google avail so you'll still have those. Your calendar is also backed by Goodle. So you won't lose everything.
Any apps you had will also restore themselves from the market.

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When your phone got all jumpy was it exposed to cold weather? I noticed my phone will get jumpy as you dscribe after a day of snowboarding. After the phone wams up it operates fine.
When your phone got all jumpy was it exposed to cold weather? I noticed my phone will get jumpy as you dscribe after a day of snowboarding. After the phone wams up it operates fine.
Nope, in the car and I had been using the nav feature when I noticed the map jumping all over...that was the first sign.
Any apps you had will also restore themselves from the market.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Does this happen automatically? I went to market and it downloaded the one app that I had paid for...will the others appear eventually or do I need to re download them?

never mind...found where to go.
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And Droid replacement #2 is on it's way.
I know they send you a refurbished unit but c'mon. The one they sent me has a messed up a & d key as well as the shift and alt key ( amazing how many words we type have an a or a d in them! also the volume up button barely works, have to push real hard on it and the whole screen is very wobbly as it slides up until it clicks into the full open position.
At least the lady on the phone was very nice to deal with but this is ridiculous. It's going to be another day spent re-installing and setting the phone up the way I want it. I'm definitely going to check this one thoroughly first though.:icon_evil: