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I am a new Droid Incredible owner and trying really hard not to get frustrated. I have had the phone 1 week. At first, when I got an email, the notification only rang once. Now for some reason it rings twice. It is driving me nuts. Can someone help me? Thank you!
Which email app are you using? HTC or Gmail. Sounds like u have your notifications on in both apps. You need to go into your settings on your email apps and disable notifications for which ever app you don't wish to receive a notification from. Hope that helps
I've only had my D2 for a month and I love it with one exception....I have two email accts (Gmail & OWA Exchange) and the problem is that it doesn't matter whether I get a new text msg or a new email from one of my email accts, the verbal notification says the same thing: "New Text Msg received"! Can someone please explain to me how to set up the notifications where it will tell me whether I received a new text msg, or a new email? That would make my work day a lot less confusing! Thanks in advance.....DD
I am a new Droid Incredible owner and trying really hard not to get frustrated. I have had the phone 1 week. At first, when I got an email, the notification only rang once. Now for some reason it rings twice. It is driving me nuts. Can someone help me? Thank you!
I have K9Mail on my Dinc and am having the same problem. I never set up the stock Mail app that came with the phone and when I try to go to it so that I can turn off the notifications there is no setting for that because it hasn't been synced with an account yet. Just looking for ideas so that I don't get a double notification that I then have to select to clear from the bar.