Just got the droid yesterday, and I am loving it. Fantastic phone, but the battery life is an abomination. At 7:30 in the morning, it was at 95, and after coming home from school (3:30), the phone was at 40. I used the browser + facebook for an hour total. Maybe a little less. Explored the phone for another 30 minutes other than that (no data or apps were being used, just going through settings and switching things). I'm pretty sure the phone can get a much better battery life than that.
This was the first charge i put on the phone, for I had just bought it last night. Is that possibly a cause for it? or is there no connection?
Anyways, people seem to tell me that 4G LTE is a huge power drainer. If i switch to CDMA only, will that save battery life, or does this only apply if you dont live in a CDMA area? I live in San Jose and receive 4g signals 90% of the time. Sometimes in class however, the signal either drops to 3g, or drops completely (that has to do with it maybe).
After coming home, i played around with Smart Actions, and set the phone so that when the display is off, the cellular data is turned off. If data is off while the display is off, does this CDMAOnly change matter?
Any other information pertaining to saving battery life is strongly appreciated. Thank You!
This was the first charge i put on the phone, for I had just bought it last night. Is that possibly a cause for it? or is there no connection?
Anyways, people seem to tell me that 4G LTE is a huge power drainer. If i switch to CDMA only, will that save battery life, or does this only apply if you dont live in a CDMA area? I live in San Jose and receive 4g signals 90% of the time. Sometimes in class however, the signal either drops to 3g, or drops completely (that has to do with it maybe).
After coming home, i played around with Smart Actions, and set the phone so that when the display is off, the cellular data is turned off. If data is off while the display is off, does this CDMAOnly change matter?
Any other information pertaining to saving battery life is strongly appreciated. Thank You!