Do live wallpapers really use the much battery?


Aug 10, 2010
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I love using the Nexus Live wallpaper, but does it really use that much battery? I only have the stock battery no extended battery. I am running apex 1.3.1. My thoughts were if it runs the wallpaper in the background while the screen is off, then yes it does use a lot of battery and usage. but if it doesn't does that mean it shouldn't take up as much battery?
It will use more battery than a standard static image just because the Live wallpaper has motion involved. Now, it shouldnt use a great deal more when the screen is lit...I would think...but I am not 100% certain of this.

Personally, I turned off the Live Moving wallpapers and went to static images for all 7 screens on my X. I would rather have a battery that last 20+ hours as opposed to a screen that moves and 15 hours or whatever battery life...but thats just me...YMMV.
I didn't spend $600 on a phone just to have static wallpapers and the boringness of a feature phone so by God, im gonna have all the flashy stuff on my DX enabled, but thats just me.
I didn't spend $600 on a phone just to have static wallpapers and the boringness of a feature phone so by God, im gonna have all the flashy stuff on my DX enabled, but thats just me.
LOL. Awesome answer :)
I didn't spend $600 on a phone just to have static wallpapers and the boringness of a feature phone so by God, im gonna have all the flashy stuff on my DX enabled, but thats just me.
I'm using a live wallpaper, I love the look.
Thanks guys for the answers!! I love the feeling of having a wallpaper that moves, it also is nice when you show your phone off to friends to hear that "Wow! Thats so sweet!" or something along the lines of that. I'll just mess around and see if it really does make that much of a difference over the next couple days.
If you look at the battery manager it will tell you how much each app is using. I think live wallpaper uses 3% or so? So in theory if you got 36 hours without live wallpaper, you should get 34.92 hours with it.
I didn't spend $600 on a phone just to have static wallpapers and the boringness of a feature phone so by God, im gonna have all the flashy stuff on my DX enabled, but thats just me.

If i spent 600 i would prob feel the same way haha
I didn't spend $600 on a phone just to have static wallpapers and the boringness of a feature phone so by God, im gonna have all the flashy stuff on my DX enabled, but thats just me.

If i spent 600 i would prob feel the same way haha

I didn't spend that much, more like $200 ish after new contract, sign up promotion deal and mail in rebate. But its the principle of the thing.
I didn't spend $600 on a phone just to have static wallpapers and the boringness of a feature phone so by God, im gonna have all the flashy stuff on my DX enabled, but thats just me.
<----:rofl3: if you actually paid full cost for your Droid X...cause I only paid $100...

Turn all the shiny , sparkly things on ya want, it is your phone after all...:)
I didn't spend $600 on a phone just to have static wallpapers and the boringness of a feature phone so by God, im gonna have all the flashy stuff on my DX enabled, but thats just me.
<----:rofl3: if you actually paid full cost for your Droid X...cause I only paid $100...

Turn all the shiny , sparkly things on ya want, it is your phone after all...:)

Read my last post.
Is there a way to get more live wallpapers on your device without being rooted? I really want to root, but I am afraid to.... Extreme newbie when it comes to rooting. I have read that z4root is easiest to use to root and been successful on the DX, so if I do root eventually I will probably use that unless something better recommended comes along from you guys. Any advice on rooting, installing live wallpapers (if you do not need to be rooted), or any advice once rooted? Also, what is the best backup program to use with the DX to backup ALL the vital information needed before rooting in case of a screw up. Thanks in advance!!

You can always just pick up live wallpapers in the marketplace. I think there's an entire section for them.

tappin and a talkin
some of the live WP i use are

Light Grid

hope this helps dancedroid:icon_ banana:dancedroid
Not using live wallpapers is like a cheap guy driving his porsche slow to save gas. F that.