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Now that we have root, one of the first things you will want to do is disable the bloat apps on your Galaxy S6 edge. Now you can do this without root by going into your app manager. This however does not actually remove the apps from your phone, which means these apps still take up lots of memory on your phone. You could use an app like titanium backup to disable even more bloatware apps then what the app manager will allow, but still the apps are present on your phone.
If you want more space you can actually delete the apps all together. You will want to be sure to back these up as you won't be able to accept an OTA update if any of these apps are missing. Once backedup you will want to grab an app like ES File Explorer and navigate to /system/app. You can remove the apps you don't want from there.
It is probably still safer to use a tool like the "Debloater Tool" or "Package Disabler" app since you can easily reenable the app for accepting Over The Air Updates. Below is a full list of apps you may want to consider disabling.
- AllShareCastPlayer.apk → com.sec.allsharecastplayer
- AllshareFileShare.apk → com.samsung.android.allshare.service.fileshare
- AllshareFileShareClient.apk → com.samsung.android.app.FileShareClient
- AllshareFileShareServer.apk → com.samsung.android.app.FileShareServer
- AllshareMediaShare.apk → com.samsung.android.allshare.service.mediashare
- Amazon → com.amazon.mShop.android
- AntHalService.apk → com.dsi.ant.server
- ANTPlusPlugins.apk → com.dsi.ant.plugins.antplus
- ANTPlusTest.apk → com.dsi.ant.sample.acquirechannels
- ANTRadioService.apk → com.dsi.ant.service.socket
- base.apk → com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
- base.apk → tv.peel.app
- BBCAgent.apk → com.samsung.android.bbc.bbcagent
- BeaconManager → com.samsung.android.beaconmanager
- Books.apk → com.google.android.apps.books
- Briefing → flipboard.boxer.app
- CarmodeStub.apk → com.samsung.android.drivelink.stub
- ContainerAgent2.apk → com.sec.knox.containeragent2
- Dictionary → com.sec.android.app.dictionary
- DirectShareManager.apk → com.sec.android.directshare
- Drive.apk → com.google.android.apps.docs
- DualSimWidget.apk → com.sec.android.widgetapp.dualsimwidget
- Email → com.samsung.android.email.widget
- Email → com.samsung.android.email.ui
- ELMAgent.apk → com.sec.esdk.elm
- EmergencyLauncher.apk → com.sec.android.emergencylauncher
- FBInstagram_stub.apk → com.instagram.android
- FlipboardBriefing.apk → flipboard.boxer.app
- Google Play Books → com.google.android.apps.books
- Google Play Games → com.google.android.play.games
- Google Play Movies & TV → com.google.android.videos
- Google Play Newsstand → com.google.android.apps.magazines
- GalaxyApps_3xh_zero.apk → com.sec.android.app.samsungapps
- GalaxyAppsWidget_Phone.apk → com.sec.android.widgetapp.samsungapps
- Galaxy TalkBack → com.samsung.android.app.talkback
- Gear VR Service → com.samsung.android.hmt.vrsvc
- Gear VR SetupWizardStub → com.samsung.android.app.vrsetupwizardstub
- Gear VR Shell → com.samsung.android.hmt.vrshell
- GearManagerStub.apk → com.samsung.android.app.watchmanagerstub
- HancomOfficeViewer.apk → com.hancom.office.viewer
- Hangouts.apk → com.google.android.talk
- HealthService.apk → com.sec.android.service.health
- Help → com.samsung.helphub
- Instagram stub → com.instagram.android
- Kies.apk → com.sec.android.Kies
- KLMSAgent.apk → com.samsung.klmsagent
- KnoxAttestationAgent.apk → com.sec.enterprise.knox.attestation
- KnoxBBCProvider.apk → com.samsung.android.bbc.fileprovider
- KnoxKeyguard.apk → com.samsung.knox.kss
- KnoxSetupWizardClient.apk → com.sec.knox.knoxsetupwizardclient
- KnoxShortcuts.apk → com.sec.knox.shortcutsms
- KnoxSwitcher.apk → com.sec.knox.switcher
- KnoxTrustAgent.apk → com.samsung.knox.knoxtrustagent
- KnoxVerifier.apk → com.sec.knox.packageverifier
- Magnifier → com.sec.android.app.magnifier
- Milk → com.samsung.mdl.radio
- MobilePrintSvc_Samsung.apk → com.sec.app.samsungprintservice
- MSSkype_stub.apk → com.skype.raider
- Music2.apk → com.google.android.music
- My Places → com.sec.android.widgetapp.locationwidget
- My interests → com.samsung.android.keyguardwallpaperupdator
- Newsstand.apk → com.google.android.apps.magazines
- Nearby Service → com.samsung.android.allshare.service.mediashare
- NfcNci.apk → com.android.nfc
- OneDrive_Samsung.apk → com.microsoft.skydrive
- OneNote → com.microsoft.office.onenote
- Peel Smart Remote → tv.peel.app
- PhotoStudio_WQHD_Zero.apk → com.sec.android.mimage.photoretouching
- PlayGames.apk → com.google.android.play.games
- PlusOne.apk → com.google.android.apps.plus
- QuickConnect_20.apk → com.samsung.android.sconnect
- RemotePlayer.apk → com.sec.chromecast.remoteplayer
- RNB.apk → com.samsung.android.hmt.vrsvc
- RNBShell.apk → com.samsung.android.hmt.vrshell
- S Health → com.sec.android.app.shealth
- SamsungBilling.apk → com.sec.android.app.billing
- Samsung Cloud Data Relay → com.samsung.android.scloud.auth
- Samsung Galaxy 2.0 → com.sec.android.app.sns3
- Samsung Link Platform Connectivity → com.sec.msc.nts.android.proxy
- Samsung In-App purchase → com.sec.android.iap
- Samsung Push Service → com.sec.spp.push
- Samsung Print Service Plugin → com.sec.app.samsungprintservice
- Samsungservice2_xxxhdpi_zero.apk → com.osp.app.signin
- Samsung SBrowser SyncAdapter → com.samsung.android.scloud.proxy.sbrowser
- Samsung SNote3 SyncAdapter → com.samsung.android.scloud.proxy.snote3
- Samsung text-to-speech engine → com.samsung.SMT
- SapaMonitor.apk → com.samsung.android.sdk.professionalaudio.utility.jammonitor
- SBrowser.apk → com.sec.android.app.sbrowser
- S Beam → com.sec.android.directshare
- S Finder → com.samsung.android.app.galaxyfinder
- S Voice → com.vlingo.midas
- SCONE_Android_ProxyService_Lib.apk → com.sec.msc.nts.android.proxy
- SecEmailComposer.apk → com.samsung.android.email.composer
- SecEmailProvider.apk → com.samsung.android.email.provider
- SecEmailSync.apk → com.samsung.android.email.sync
- SecEmailUI.apk → com.samsung.android.email.ui
- SecEmailWidget.apk → com.samsung.android.email.widget
- SFinder_L.apk → com.samsung.android.app.galaxyfinder
- SHealth4.apk → com.sec.android.app.shealth
- Smart Manager → com.samsung.android.sm
- SmartcardService.apk → org.simalliance.openmobileapi.service
- SNS_v2.apk → com.sec.android.app.sns3
- SPlannerWidget_Material.apk → com.sec.android.widgetapp.SPlannerAppWidget
- SPPPushClient_Prod.apk → com.sec.spp.push
- SPrintSpooler.apk → com.android.printspooler
- S-Voice_Android_phone.apk → com.vlingo.midas
- TouchWiz easy home → com.sec.android.app.easylauncher
- T-Mobile My Account → com.tmobile.pr.mytmobile
- T-Mobile Name ID → com.whitepages.nameid.tmobile
- T-Mobile TV → com.mobitv.client.tmobiletvhd
- Videos.apk → com.google.android.videos
- VoiceNote4Z_32.apk → com.sec.android.app.voicenote
- VoiceWakeUp.apk → com.samsung.android.voicewakeup
- VRSetupWizardStub.apk → com.samsung.android.app.vrsetupwizardstub
- Visual Voicemail → com.tmobile.vvm.application
- withTV 1.0 → com.samsung.android.app.withtv
- YouTube.apk → com.google.android.youtube