Dinc2 autocorrect < Dinc1?


New Member
Feb 27, 2011
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Am I the only person who has noticed that the Incredible 2's text auto correction and intuition is terrible when compared to the Incredible 1? I know it's likely that HTC used the same exact software for each phone, but there is a very noticeable difference between the "common sense" that the Incredible 1 had vs. the Incredible 2.<br>
I had 4 separate Inc1's and out of the box, they were great. I've now had 2 Inc2's and out of the box, they're terrible. Is there an addon or plugin I can get to increase the Inc2's text intuition capabilities?
You can try another keyboard like the aosp gingerbread one or smart keyboard.

Sent from my Incredible 2
I downloaded and properly installed/activated the gingerbread keyboard, but it looks identical to the one I already have. Though before I installed, it didn't show up in the keyboard options so it seems to be different. Afterward, I had the option to use the gingerbread keyboard (which I did).

I got the Dinc 2 out of the box with 2.3.3 on it so could it have come with this new keyboard?

Has anyone else had the experience I'm having with the stock keyboard where it's not as smart as the Incredible 1 keyboard?
A few months ago I picked up SwiftKeyX when it was the app giveaway of the day on the Amazon app store. When you set it up, you can have it scrape through your Gmail, SMS messages, Facebook posts, etc to learn your style and improve prediction right from the get-go. It's a really nice app, and the first thing I do now when messing around with a new ROM is to replace the stock keyboard with SwiftKey.