I connected my Droid X to my PC via USB today for the first time in quite some time so I could transfer some files from the PC to the DX SD card. I have transfered files via USB many times in the past; just haven't done it in the last couple months.
When I connected the DX as mass storage, a Motorola installation window for MotoHelper popped up. I figured it must be an update of the USB drivers so I allowed it to install. But after it installed, Firefox automatically on its own, went to a Verizon site for VCast Media Manager where I could download and install it if I wanted.
The DX shows up in Windows Explorer as a CD drive with 0 bytes available. If I open the "drive" it does not show the contents of my SD card, it shows a file named MotoHelper_2.0.24 Driver_2.7.1.exe, and a setup.exe file. I rebooted the phone to see if that changed things - it didn't.
Whatever I installed when the Motorola installation popped up seems to have hijacked my USB connection and wants me to install Verizon's V Cast Media Manager. They do have a free version that will transfer files, but I prefer the old way where a Motorola driver makes the phone look like a mass storage device to Windows.
I tried uninstalling MotoHelper via the Win 7 control panel and installing a version of Motorola Mobile USB drivers I had kept from last August. Now the DX still shows as a CD drive with 0 bytes available and when I open it, it still shows the MotoHelper installation files, not my SD card files. (I can still see my files on the SD card by browsing to it on the DX itself if I disconnect it from USB. So the card is OK, but Windows is not seeing the contents. It is seeing the MotoHelper installation files.
Anyone know what could have happened here? Should I download and install V Cast Media Manager?
When I connected the DX as mass storage, a Motorola installation window for MotoHelper popped up. I figured it must be an update of the USB drivers so I allowed it to install. But after it installed, Firefox automatically on its own, went to a Verizon site for VCast Media Manager where I could download and install it if I wanted.
The DX shows up in Windows Explorer as a CD drive with 0 bytes available. If I open the "drive" it does not show the contents of my SD card, it shows a file named MotoHelper_2.0.24 Driver_2.7.1.exe, and a setup.exe file. I rebooted the phone to see if that changed things - it didn't.
Whatever I installed when the Motorola installation popped up seems to have hijacked my USB connection and wants me to install Verizon's V Cast Media Manager. They do have a free version that will transfer files, but I prefer the old way where a Motorola driver makes the phone look like a mass storage device to Windows.
I tried uninstalling MotoHelper via the Win 7 control panel and installing a version of Motorola Mobile USB drivers I had kept from last August. Now the DX still shows as a CD drive with 0 bytes available and when I open it, it still shows the MotoHelper installation files, not my SD card files. (I can still see my files on the SD card by browsing to it on the DX itself if I disconnect it from USB. So the card is OK, but Windows is not seeing the contents. It is seeing the MotoHelper installation files.
Anyone know what could have happened here? Should I download and install V Cast Media Manager?
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