Deodexed gb bloatware?


Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
What's safe to remove or freeze? I don't use any of the social apps, just want to minimize as much as possible.

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What's safe to remove or freeze? I don't use any of the social apps, just want to minimize as much as possible.

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I just removed apps like Blockbuster, Skype, Amazon MP3, CityID and I'm sure there's more.

I also removed the My Verizon app, after you do that you will get forse closes immediately after, all you have to do it restart the phone and it will never bother you again.

I used Root Explorer to do this, it's not free but it's very handy.
I believe you can rename anything that doesn't contain the word blur. I've removed the same apps as the poster above plus vvm, cardock, cmas, all live wallpapers, dlna, friendfeed, kindle, swype, vz navigator, work contacts and yahoo contacts.
also deleted the my verizon app and it starts a string of force close messages. They are gone after a reboot.
Think I've got it pared down pretty good, thanks.

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