Deleting Custom Tones


New Member
Nov 26, 2010
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Since I can make custom tones for both ring and text i have been having fun making tones for all my friends and co workers. Sadly whenever I make a mistake on the tone its still saved to my phone. How can i delete these custom tones so i don't have a few of them clogging up my phone?
So the only way is to root the phone. I was wanting to avoid rooting just cause it kinda scares me (first droid phone and first phone i could root/mod) I don't wanna screw it up lol

nah there should be a ringdroid folder on ur sdcard where they are stored. the5barrons was referring to deleting stock ringtones. just use a file manager (like astro) to delete the ones u dont want
I think you can delete the ringdroid tones straight from ringdroid by long pressing them and choosing delete.

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Now I feel like a idoit. Thanks all.

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nah there should be a ringdroid folder on ur sdcard where they are stored. the5barrons was referring to deleting stock ringtones. just use a file manager (like astro) to delete the ones u dont want

This guy is right. But its in media not ringdroid. Any ringtone not stock will be under /SD/media/audio regardless of app used to make it. there you will find folders for alarms, notifications, and ringtones. Also the easiest way to make custom ringtones is to simply put the audio or song you want there.

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