I woke up this morning & came to the realization that I have made up my mind. I have been struggling with what to do with my Dinc. I love the phone but the horrible battery life is killing me. So I had to just rant in a lil Dear Android blog.
Why the hell does Verizon get halfway decent phones? It seems like each android phone has something great & something bad about it. And I don't want to hear the, " well sometimes you have to sacrafice one thing for another". No i refuse to do that. Is it so hard to make a phone that has all solid specs? The new Droid yes great keyboard (not for me) but the horrible display, thunderbolt don't even get me started & the new Dinc has such a horrible speaker its unreal. I am not interested in 4g yet since its not complete & think 3g is just fine.
I am giving android 2 more chances to keep me because i do love the os. First is the Droid Bionic, i know i said im not interested in 4g but the bionic is interesting & the Nexus 3. If its not on Verizon then there's is a huge chance ill be going to iPhone or Blackberry!
PS why can HTC bring out phones like Evo 3D but when Verizon gets an HTC 4g we get the thunderbolt? Ridiculous
Sent from my Droid Incredible using Tapatalk
Why the hell does Verizon get halfway decent phones? It seems like each android phone has something great & something bad about it. And I don't want to hear the, " well sometimes you have to sacrafice one thing for another". No i refuse to do that. Is it so hard to make a phone that has all solid specs? The new Droid yes great keyboard (not for me) but the horrible display, thunderbolt don't even get me started & the new Dinc has such a horrible speaker its unreal. I am not interested in 4g yet since its not complete & think 3g is just fine.
I am giving android 2 more chances to keep me because i do love the os. First is the Droid Bionic, i know i said im not interested in 4g but the bionic is interesting & the Nexus 3. If its not on Verizon then there's is a huge chance ill be going to iPhone or Blackberry!
PS why can HTC bring out phones like Evo 3D but when Verizon gets an HTC 4g we get the thunderbolt? Ridiculous
Sent from my Droid Incredible using Tapatalk