Data on/off with display


Feb 8, 2011
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Just realized a very annoying problem that just seemed to start today.
I haven't changed any settings or installed any new apps.
If my screen gets locked, either by pressing power or timing cuts the data connection.
As soon as I wake it up with the power button or volume rocker (I have nolock installed, have since day one) the data comes right back up.
It will come up regardless of it being WiFi or LTE.

I have my corporate Email (Exchange on Active Sync) set to push from 7AM to 6PM Monday through Friday, then poll every 1/2 hour on nights/weekends.

If it wasn't for push email during the day, I really wouldn't care.
Text and phone still works perfectly...but I use this phone for work and personal.

Any ideas on settings? I've checked them all...and nothing about turning off data while in lock (I've looked at every power saving/data setting I can think of)

Any help...much appreciated!

I have restarted the phone a few times today and even pulled the battery. Same thing.
Uninstalled JuiceDefender Beta and it's solved.
Odd, had it on since day 1 and it didn't become an issue until now.
Oh well...
Try going into Settings -> Accounts & sync, make sure the background data box is checked.

edit: or not. :p glad you found a fix.
Uh...thats what juice defender does, it turns off your 3g/4g/wifi when the screen is off o_O

What you could do in JD is set up an exceptions list for apps that you need to connect, such as your email.
I disagree...or something in the app has changed.
I got my phone on Friday the 18th, I put on JuiceDefender Beta on the 19th.
It worked fine all last week as it should.
Starting this morning I had to unlock the screen and wait a few seconds for data to kick back on.
I had it set on factory default and automatic, I never messed with the settings.

I would've noticed it all last week (while at work when push is on) if that were the case...

Thanks for the help guys... I'm just gonna manage it myself!
Uh...thats what juice defender does, it turns off your 3g/4g/wifi when the screen is off o_O

What you could do in JD is set up an exceptions list for apps that you need to connect, such as your email.
Agreed, that's what JD does, although JD is buggy on this phone so it may not have been working consistently. Because of all the reports of JD not working well on the TB, I've been experimenting with Green Power. When working properly, you can set how quickly you want the radios to go down when the screen is off and for how long you want them to stay off until they come back on periodically to update data before shutting down again.
Makes perfect sense what you guys are saying...
I can tell you there were a lot of errors with Juice D on my phone, and when I was at work half the time the phone would ding/LED light on first when I got a new email, and the other half Outlook popped up a message first.
Regardless of which got the email first, the phone always dinged and let me know I had a new email.