I know there are a lot of forums about the nexus' data connection, but I can't find a straight answer. I used to have a thunderbolt, and everyday at the gym I would tether my thunderbolt's data to my tablet so I could stream my tv shows. It took a few minutes to buffer a 40 minute show, and then it would play smoothly without stopping to buffer more. With my nexus however, it takes around 40 minutes to fully buffer a 40 minute long show. It gets really annoying because I let it buffer for 5 minutes, then watch five minutes, etc. and it keeps stopping and starting. My connection is really weak. Also, at the gym on my thunderbolt I used to get a 4g connection about 75% of the time, but with my nexus I never get a 4g connection. I tried turning 4g off and just using 3g, but my connection is still really slow and even goes to 1x once in awhile. My question is, is this a problem with all nexus's or is there something wrong with my phone? Also, is there anything I can do to fix this problem? Will a custom rom help? (I'm still on stock). Is there another radio I can use that will fix the problem? I'd really appreciate some input here. Thanks.