Just a "share the pain" note:
I pushed the prompt to install the OS update last Thursday on my Droid 3 that up until then had been 99.5% perfect (a few app inconsistencies which I figured was due to the apps needing updating). Beginning Friday AM, my phone took on a life of its own. I removed the 2 apps that didn't seem to function properly, called Verizon and went through the update procedure recommended. That was in the early afternoon and the rep said he would call back @ 700P that evening. He didn't, but I noticed various apps started force closing repeated times. In addition, text messages I had sent went out, but were not saved. Then the automatic rebooting began.
I had to remove the battery 3 times in the AM Saturday to get nominal function back, then I called Verizon and got an automatic message o call from another phone. When I got on line, Verizon get me a 2nd or 3rd level tech that took me through a complete factory reset including reformatting the phone with my SD card removed. Not only did this NOT work, but apps I had uninstalled, reappeare when I rebooted my phone without my SD card. And during the factory reset, I got an icon that showed a triangle with exclamation point in the center instead of the program installing icon.
The long and short of it is, Verizon is sending out a new phone (I got my Droid 3 the 1st week of September as an upgrade from my original Droid) due to a totally corrupted OS after working with the phone tech for nearly an hour. This last update apparently has some problems with many phones.
A couple of technical notes:
- About an hour after installing the upgrade, while I had my laptop and phone connected, my laptop screen flashed and went blue screen. I had to disconnect my phone to get it to work again. BTW, my computer has never blue screened since I got it in November of 2008.
- The apps that I had installed on my original Droid that didn't quite work with the Droid 3 OS were a compass program that also reads GPS sats and a GPS test program. Both program functioned in every way except they did not show either the number of sats they were reading nor their location. Interestingly after installing the upgrade, those functions returned to the apps and then the problems I listed above began.
- The only app added after the OS update was the Starbucks utility app (Starbucks app, not obscure 3rd party) for monitoring your Starbucks cards and paying with your phone.
Sorry to be wordy, but I hope this enlightens someone out there.