D2 rooting....?


Sep 15, 2010
Reaction score
So i installed apinstaller, astrofile, d2bootstrap and then z4root. I checked install unknown in the settings then changed z4root to apk. I opened Z4 and now its been loading for over 10minutes, just says z4 mod with the blue screen and the loading circle that goes around.....

IDK what else to do now i cant open bootstrap till z4 is complete.
now the phone is frozen and wont lock, slide or touch....
mine did the same if i remember, pulled the battery, put it back in and poof it was rooted....
If it still doesn't work, try this z4root

The first time I did it, it froze and I had to pull the battery and it installed the second time. You plan on flashing a rom too?

Sent from my DROID2
So i installed apinstaller, astrofile, d2bootstrap and then z4root. I checked install unknown in the settings then changed z4root to apk. I opened Z4 and now its been loading for over 10minutes, just says z4 mod with the blue screen and the loading circle that goes around.....

IDK what else to do now i cant open bootstrap till z4 is complete.

I had the same issue until I put my phone into airplane mode then tried z4root. It work like a charm after that.

Sent from my DROID2 R2D2
It worked after i pulled the battery. Im downloaded liberty 1.0 right now on my computer then transferring it my D2. Crap takes forever to load.
Yeah deff go with liberty 1.5 and the honeycomb theme for it its super nice and smooth also keep your eyes peeled cause liberty 2.0 is being worked on currently.

Sent from my Liberated R2-D2... May the Force be with you...always...
It might be 1.6 not 2.0 js that's what jrummy said on a tweet and go with 1.5 its got more to it than 1.0

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