C cyndie New Member Jan 17, 2012 #1 Hi all, my name is Cyndie and my boyfriend messed up my Citrus. So I joined here to learn how to fix it. Hope this is a helpful forum.
Hi all, my name is Cyndie and my boyfriend messed up my Citrus. So I joined here to learn how to fix it. Hope this is a helpful forum.
J JSM9872 Super Moderator Staff member Premium Member Jan 17, 2012 #2 Welcome Cyndie!! I hope you are able to get it all figured out. I don't know anything about the phone myself to lend much of a hand though :frown:
Welcome Cyndie!! I hope you are able to get it all figured out. I don't know anything about the phone myself to lend much of a hand though :frown:
S smalltowngirl13 Administrator Staff member Jan 17, 2012 #3 Hello and welcome! Good luck on resolving your issues and getting your phone back to how ya like it!
D dezymond Tech Support Mod Staff member Premium Member Jan 17, 2012 #4 Welcome! What exactly did he mess up?
S SFGate Guest Jan 26, 2012 #5 Welcome to the site. Hope you get your phone working right. DancingNexus