A few months back a concept came out called Phonebloks, which would allow the user to upgrade parts of the hardware vs replacing the entire phone. So if you buy a phone and the next year model is the same with a new camera, or in the case of the razr and razr maxx a larger battery, you can just purchase the hardware and add it to your additional phones vs buying a new phone. Nice idea but the over all feel was no manufacturer would give up the cash cow they have now where people are having to buy a new phone every year to keep up with the latest and greatest. Well there is a manufacturer willing to do that; Motorola is looking to do that with project Ara. On Motorola's blog they discuss the concept in looking to bring that to life. This could truly be the innovation the smart phone market needs. I will definitely be keeping my eye on this.
The Official Motorola Blog: Goodbye Sticky. Hello Ara.