Custom CyanogenMod BootAnimation For Any Rom


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Oct 6, 2011
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CyanogenMod is the top dog when it comes to custom roms, and there rom can be found for just about every device under the sun. Cyanogen is working on an all new UI which will be released with Cyanogen OS later on in the year. While they are steadily working on retheming the rom and giving it a new look some other members of the rom community are doing the same thing. If you are growing tired of the plain bootanimation that comes with the rom you can pretty easily change it.

Themer "ChariZardKs" has put together a custom bootanimation that is based on CyanogenMod. This bootanimation is minimalistic and includes the material design. To install just download the zip file and move it to your system/media folder. Reboot to enjoy!

via XDA
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SMH, not excited. I'm not using CM for their ROMs and so why would I want their animations? For me, CM is so <2013.
SMH, not excited. I'm not using CM for their ROMs and so why would I want their animations? For me, CM is so <2013.
I agree. CyanogenMod has become very unappealing to me since before my Droid 3 days.
I haven't used CM since my Fascinate days and back then it was way too buggy fur my liking. That said, I can respect the fact they it's the longest running rom across more devices than any rom ever released. Despite how you feel about the rom or it's CEO, that alone is a feat that noone can take from them. As a former crack flasher, I can respect that for what it is.

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