Curious bootloop and recovery


Aug 3, 2010
Reaction score
Northern VA
In light of the DroidDream scare, I decided I would flash a 2.3 ROM (most recently using UD 2.5).
I've been running Lookout from the start and also used the DroidDream Killer app (didn't find it on my phone, and I added the block file from within the app)

I rebooted into recovery and did a factory wipe and cleared the dalvik cache. Then I went to apply a .zip from my SD and the file was not visible (I had dropped it on the root of the card).

So I recovered the backup image (yes, I did a backup) only to get a bootloop. In the end, I had to go into Advanced Restore and recover each partition from that image and reboot after each partition restore to get out of the bootloop. After the /boot, /system and /data partitions the bootloop is fixed.

I can replicate the bootloop (and "fix") by doing the factory wipe/dalvik steps then reflashing the last backup.

Any wise suppositions as to the cause? Is it a corrupted partition on the backup image?
More interesting behavior from my recalcitrant DI...
Through Clockwork, flashed UD 3 and got ridiculous force close issues with lots of my apps... CW included. So booted into recovery and restored the last image only to get the same bootloop.

Any suggestions before a hard reset?