Crackle, pop


New Member
Dec 2, 2009
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I'm getting a Crackle or pop on the left side, when listening to music, or other audio, when plugged into earphones or a car?

any suggestions or tips?

anyone else get this at all?
Couple people experienced this. Just a work around.... don't have media volume all the way up... one or two clicks from max. Seems to limit the crackling.
this is so funny..i actually took my droid back to best buy for this reason, and the guy that was next to me was like "i have the same issue" ... kind of a weird issue though. i wonder if its software.
Pretty sure it's software related... I notice the same thing through the speakerphone on the phone itself (with the volume all the way up), and when I turn the volume all the way up with headphones plugged in or the phone plugged into my car stereo via the headphone jack.

What are the chances multiple (and I mean... a lot, actually) people are having this issue, and that it's present both in the phone's internal speaker and when played out through the headphone jack? And, it's always on the left side.

No, this can't be hardware. I'm sure it's software, but who's to say if it will be fixed in the rumored December 11 OTA update, or if it will ever be fixed.

I just keep my volume at 80% or below (I keep it at 3-4 clicks on the volume rocker below the max... and I don't get any clicking/popping sounds anymore).
You're right. It is software realated. VZW tech told me that the next patch will fix the issue, when I went in there to return my Driod for the same exact problem. He said it's a known problem, and will be resolved.
You're right. It is software realated. VZW tech told me that the next patch will fix the issue, when I went in there to return my Driod for the same exact problem. He said it's a known problem, and will be resolved.

Sweet. Nice to know.