Couple Quick Questions


New Member
Aug 3, 2010
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1. I was told to get a Task Manager but when I look in the Market I see 5 different ones and don't know which one to get.

2. What keyboard works best? The stock one isn't bad but I heard there is many better ones. I tried Swiftkey BETA but I'm not a huge fan.

3. Best way to customize my home screens? (Any free apps for it?)

4. When I just use back arrow to get out of apps, does that close them? ( I feel the browser never closes because everytime I turn it back on it has the same previous page up)

5. When I press menu, and the huge list of apps comes up, those can't be deleted only uninstalled right? Meaning I can't just move them off the list of the menu without getting rid of them permanently.

6. The 3 bottom icons (Phone, Menu, Contacts) can those be changed?

7. Best Facebook Apps and which to avoid. I heard some lag.

8. What is launcher pro and launcher ADW? and which one should I get.

9. I was told to get a flashlight. Why and which one?

10. Should I activate the voice text thing?

I'm just scared to download a ****ty app and it slow down my phone insanely. Thanks in advance guys!
Also where can I get those cool big clocks and big batteries that show my % and stuff?
1. Task managers aren't good for Android. If you feel you need one, you should not have it autokill or have the addicting widget on your homescreen. I have advanced taskiller (with the android with the x on his belly icon) for killing 3rd party apps. You should long-press on any google app and ignore it. Android kills them as they need to be. 3rd party apps can be killed with no issue. Taskillers are all basically the same.

2. i love swift key and swype. Uber-keyboard is ok, but not free.
Download: New Swype Beta | Droid Life: A Droid Community Blog

3. ADW Launcher or Launcherpro. Both are free.

4. Back doesn't close stuff. It stays open, especially third party apps. If you want to close your 3rd party apps use a taskiller. Let you Google Apps close themselves.

5.If you uninstall a 3rd party app you can always reinstall it from the market later. If you paid for it, you can uninstall and refund in the 1st 24 hrs. After 24 hrs their is no refund but it is free to install again.

6.You can change those with Launcherpro/ADW Launcher

7. I use Facebook for Android by Facebook.

8. Launcherpro and ADW Launcher are home replacements. They are very customizable and don't delete or change your original launcher. Try them both, they are similar. See which one you like more. I use LauncherPro.

9. Motorola makes one called DroidLight (one word). Its simple and works, even on 2.1 Éclair or 2.2 Froyo.

10. No. You should get a Google Voice Account. It will do voice text, transcribe your voicemails into text and offer you another phone number additional to your Verizon number. There might still be a wait list, but its worth it.

11. Search "Battery Widget," and find the one you like. Beautiful Widgets is paid, but is by far the best Big Clock available. Highly recommended.
1. Task managers aren't good for Android. If you feel you need one, you should not have it autokill or have the addicting widget on your homescreen. I have advanced taskiller (with the android with the x on his belly icon) for killing 3rd party apps. You should long-press on any google app and ignore it. Android kills them as they need to be. 3rd party apps can be killed with no issue. Taskillers are all basically the same.

2. i love swift key and swype. Uber-keyboard is ok, but not free.
Download: New Swype Beta | Droid Life: A Droid Community Blog

3. ADW Launcher or Launcherpro. Both are free.

4. Back doesn't close stuff. It stays open, especially third party apps. If you want to close your 3rd party apps use a taskiller. Let you Google Apps close themselves.

5.If you uninstall a 3rd party app you can always reinstall it from the market later. If you paid for it, you can uninstall and refund in the 1st 24 hrs. After 24 hrs their is no refund but it is free to install again.

6.You can change those with Launcherpro/ADW Launcher

7. I use Facebook for Android by Facebook.

8. Launcherpro and ADW Launcher are home replacements. They are very customizable and don't delete or change your original launcher. Try them both, they are similar. See which one you like more. I use LauncherPro.

9. Motorola makes one called DroidLight (one word). Its simple and works, even on 2.1 Éclair or 2.2 Froyo.

10. No. You should get a Google Voice Account. It will do voice text, transcribe your voicemails into text and offer you another phone number additional to your Verizon number. There might still be a wait list, but its worth it.

11. Search "Battery Widget," and find the one you like. Beautiful Widgets is paid, but is by far the best Big Clock available. Highly recommended.

All good answers, except for Google Voice. I had it for a while, but just went back to regular visual voice mail. The transcribing feature to text does not work well at all.

I think Google Voice still has some maturing to do. No longer a wait for this as it was before. For now I went back to Visual Voice Mail. I got some promotional deal and get VVM for free. Seems less complicated. May try Google Voice again in a year or so,as it does have some nice features.
Google Voice gives you a second phone number. So I use that one for my business, and my regular VZW number for my personal contacts. Google Voice is much more than just voicemail. The transcribing feature is good if people speak clearly. Usually my messages are readable, or I can get the basic gist of the message and listen to it when I'm available.
The manager i recommend the most is System Panel. Very detailed and if you have a rouge app malfunctioning and killing battery you can find it quick. If you do have to kill a app for some reason i would research the app and find out the cause of the problem. Blind killing is never a good thing on android, its just not needed
1. Task managers aren't good for Android. If you feel you need one, you should not have it autokill or have the addicting widget on your homescreen. I have advanced taskiller (with the android with the x on his belly icon) for killing 3rd party apps. You should long-press on any google app and ignore it. Android kills them as they need to be. 3rd party apps can be killed with no issue. Taskillers are all basically the same.

2. i love swift key and swype. Uber-keyboard is ok, but not free.
Download: New Swype Beta | Droid Life: A Droid Community Blog

3. ADW Launcher or Launcherpro. Both are free.

4. Back doesn't close stuff. It stays open, especially third party apps. If you want to close your 3rd party apps use a taskiller. Let you Google Apps close themselves.

5.If you uninstall a 3rd party app you can always reinstall it from the market later. If you paid for it, you can uninstall and refund in the 1st 24 hrs. After 24 hrs their is no refund but it is free to install again.

6.You can change those with Launcherpro/ADW Launcher

7. I use Facebook for Android by Facebook.

8. Launcherpro and ADW Launcher are home replacements. They are very customizable and don't delete or change your original launcher. Try them both, they are similar. See which one you like more. I use LauncherPro.

9. Motorola makes one called DroidLight (one word). Its simple and works, even on 2.1 Éclair or 2.2 Froyo.

10. No. You should get a Google Voice Account. It will do voice text, transcribe your voicemails into text and offer you another phone number additional to your Verizon number. There might still be a wait list, but its worth it.

11. Search "Battery Widget," and find the one you like. Beautiful Widgets is paid, but is by far the best Big Clock available. Highly recommended.

Thanks a lot man. So no need for a task manager?
It is good to have a task manager for non-system apps that don't close themselves or apps that are malfunfuntioning.

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