

Feb 21, 2010
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
Why do you have to be on .902 to flash a rom? Is it because the bionic has a locked bootloader? Or am I completely misunderstanding something. I apologize for sounding stupid, I am coming from a Thunderbolt and have had the bionic for a few weeks now, but would like to experience ICS.
Why do you have to be on .902 to flash a rom? Is it because the bionic has a locked bootloader? Or am I completely misunderstanding something. I apologize for sounding stupid, I am coming from a Thunderbolt and have had the bionic for a few weeks now, but would like to experience ICS.

I believe you are right about the bootloader causing issues like this, because I think the locked bootloader prevents the phone from running custom kernels (I may be wrong about this as I am not a dev)

These ROMS that require you to be on .902 do so because they are based on system files in the .902 update, mainly the kernel. These roms need you to be on that. 902 kernel because they are built in a way that requires it to be there for the ROM to function properly.

If you are looking to install an ICS ROM with a working data connection, you must be on the .902 OTA prior to installing it. There are a number of threads that discuss getting to .902 and keeping root access in the process. If you are not rooted yet, I recommend using thhe For3v3r root option prior to updating to .902.

Sent from my XT875 using Tapatalk
I mean no disrespect to Havoc, but that was pretty tough to understand. But he is right. You have to be on .902 cuz thats what you have to be on for it to run. I cannot confirm this from experience the incorrect way, but I'm pretty sure you have to be running Safe Strap as opposed to Clockwork Recovery, if that means anything to you. :happy3:

Check out the Th3ory ROM threads, they have all the info you need as far as links, instructions, etc. for installing a stable ICS build. There are several with decent data, and it sounds like camera will be here soon! And oh, is it sweet...
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