I'd like to get my company email on my phone. I don't have to have anything synced from Outlook other than the email. Am I able to do this on the native app and $30 data plan through Verizon?
[]I switched to Touchdown. It is an awesome app and well worth the price, if you have Outlook/Exchange.
And as BnB said, definitely verify with your company to see if they have any restrictions.
As long as they have/use Active Sync (MS Exchange) AND allow for mobile devices (specifically running Android). If they are only using BB mail servers or have mobiles blocked than no, at least not directly (you might still be able to 'forward' mail to your phone). Does your company have an online portal to access your email account (e.g.
You might want to check if your allowed to access company email on a non-company device.
Here where I work it is grounds for immediate termination.
[]I switched to Touchdown. It is an awesome app and well worth the price, if you have Outlook/Exchange.
And as BnB said, definitely verify with your company to see if they have any restrictions.
Yet, if you can gain access def get TouchDown (use the free trail first). It's FAR beyond the included corporate client. If your company has the web-access you can get all the info you need from there:
Log in, select options, on the menu on the left go to 'Mobile Devices' (if it's there, if not you have your answer).
While BnB has a point just ask them if they 'allow non-company devices' NOT if Android is supported... they likely don't know... the idi**s at my work said that Android wouldn't/couldn't work, yeah..... they have since sent several new employees to me to help them setup their Droids after they couldn't (you might have to 'activate' the phone via the web-access portal)....
What about the situation with the different data plans? Is that going to be a problem? I have the $30 one.
They do allow non-company devices, as they don't offer a company phone anyways. At least one person there (who is also an IT guy) has a Droid, so I'm assuming mine should work.
What is the policy for accessing via an personal computer? If the permit, does someone verify the security on a regular schedule?
What is the policy for accessing via an personal computer? If the permit, does someone verify the security on a regular schedule?
I don't know the policy on that. I'd have to ask. Good thing to think about, I suppose.
Prior to retiring, I worked in IT and for me, I do not see a lot of difference between accessing the network with a handheld vs a laptop. Both are portable and can be lost or stolen. You can add software to both that will lock and or wipe should either turn up missing. Hopefully, your company will have a policy that covers them and you. to retiring, I worked in IT and for me, I do not see a lot of difference between accessing the network with a handheld vs a laptop. Both are portable and can be lost or stolen. You can add software to both that will lock and or wipe should either turn up missing. Hopefully, your company will have a policy that covers them and you.
^Right on. I can't stand it when IT departments make stupid/ignorant policies... Mine currently states that 'Android devices are not allow (and are blocked from connecting to the mail servers) because they are not secure(able)'... yet they allow (AND SUPPORT) any and all WinMo devices AND iPhoneys..... sadly there are a LOT of people in IT departments today that have NO BUSINESS being there, lol.
As the IT director in central HR, I was responsible for safeguarding personal information. There are security risk. For me, the biggest is the individual not the device. There is no fix for "stupid" or "lazy".
OP, on a personal security note one of the reasons I recommend TouchDown (in addition to functionality) is that you can set a 'remote wipe' feature to activate from a TXT. So if your phone gets lost/stolen you don't even need to access the exchange server to lock/wipe it. You simply send a txt from ANY phone with the code (the you set) in the subject line and it wipes and/or locks the phone.