Comatose: The Droid RAZR MAXX Story


Mar 30, 2011
Reaction score
Bothell, WA
Once there was a hobbit. This hobbit was named RAZR MAXX. Of course, RAZR MAXX was of small stature yet strong credential, boasting a battery life of nearly 36 hours with regular usage. It is this battery life that caused RAZR MAXX to experience something no hobbit should experience: a coma. For you see, an update was pushed to the hobbit; an update of grey beard and dirty clothing, rumored to be Ice Cream Sandwich. Alas, this was not the update. Yet, as the Fates would recall, the update was pushed at the moment the hobbit had the lowest amount of energy. Midstream, the hobbit collapsed in complete exhaustion, having run clean out of battery power. This, my friends, resulted in the coma.

Many an hour was spent trying to revive the hobbit, to no avail. It was believed the hobbit was soon to leave this world. He would not accept charge. He would not remain powered on. He was neither alive nor dead, instead floating in a middle state, unable to receive nourishment.

Comatose the hobbit remained for 5 days. On the 6th day, a magical cable arrived. This cable's magic forced the hobbit awake long enough to install a stock ROM and allow him to receive nourishment. Now, the hobbit is happily recovering, though he has forgotten all that he has learned over the past few months.

The End

Abridged version: My phone died mid-update and bricked the poor thing and I was forced to pay $40 for the factory cable because it wouldn't charge without the /System directory.

People ask me all the time why I, a single person, have two cell phones. This is why. If one dies I have the other to fall back on - and the Nexus served me well for that purpose.