I responded in your other thread, but it seems that you are likely not doing the install correctly. I really recommend that you watch a vid all the way through on youtube on how to do it, then go step by step along with the vid.
1. Install the zip to sd. Make sure it is the correct version for your phone. If you use the wrong version you will have to SBF and start all over again.
2. Use droid 2 bootstrapper. Run the first option to Bootstrap recovery, then once successful, run the option to reboot. You will now be in recovery.
3. Wipe Cache, Wipe Data, go into advanced options and Wipe Dalvik cache
4. Now go to install zip from sd card, and choose the zip. It's best if you don't have it in any sub-directories, just in mnt/sdcard so that it will be easier to find. Select it and it will run and reboot.
5. Once the phone reboots if for some reason it doesn't go right into CM7/MIUI or whatever Rom you choose to run, pull the battery, power on, then press down vol key on the moto logo when the blue led flashes and repeat step 3 above, then restart the phone again and you should be good to go.