CLNR Received Today


Premium Member
Premium Member
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
N.E. Ohio
My Certified Like New Replacement arrived today. Works perfectly, can't find a thing wrong with it.

So why am I posting? Because the only time anyone ever posts about a CLNR they post about how bad they are. I say the majority of people are fine with them, mine looks brand new. Of course I did tell them I was a mod at DF but I'm sure that had nothing to do with it.

Just kidding. I would never do that and I doubt they would care.

If you want to respond at all, please don't tell me about your bad experience, that's not the point of this thread and you've probably already told us about it previously. I'm just tired of VZW getting such a bad rep for the refurbs. I think my case is not special, it's typical.
My Certified Like New Replacement arrived today. Works perfectly, can't find a thing wrong with it.

So why am I posting? Because the only time anyone ever posts about a CLNR they post about how bad they are. I say the majority of people are fine with them, mine looks brand new. Of course I did tell them I was a mod at DF but I'm sure that had nothing to do with it.

Just kidding. I would never do that and I doubt they would care.

If you want to respond at all, please don't tell me about your bad experience, that's not the point of this thread and you've probably already told us about it previously. I'm just tired of VZW getting such a bad rep for the refurbs. I think my case is not special, it's typical.

I went through two CLNR Droids and only had a problem with the first one. My original release droid the speaker blew, and the first CLNR the keyboard stopped working for some reason. Second one was flawless and I gave it to my sibling who still has no problems with it, she doesn't even know it's a CLNR:)

I've had nothing but good experiences when it comes to the Big Red and their customer service is top notch! I've seen CLNR units for different electronics and the vzw CLNR program is definitely one of the best.
I had good experience w/ a CLNR DInc. Still running strong.
I got a good one as well. Looked brand new...and still does.

Bet you never started a thread about it. :) I don't mind people complaining, it just looks so one sided sometimes. When I called about my phone not working they didn't hassle me, just we will send you one out on Thursday.
My replacement was mint also. What happened to your old phone?
I get a perfect CLNR and I did post about it!!! Still using my CLN D1 and it warms my heart. Sometimes I just like to stare at it lovingly. I take it for walks. Sometimes we take in dinner and a movie, just depends.
It took my three CLNRs but my fourth has been solid. It actually gives better benchmarks and runs cooler than my original!!!

My wife's pro stopped working and then she got a clnr which the earpiece was blown. Then got another that rebooted constantly. Went to the local store, talked to a manager and got a new one. So far fingers crossed.

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My first Android phone ever (Vortex) was a CLNR. That was because they sent me 5 Blackberry Storm 2's that were all crap. The CLNR Vortex is a awesome phone and the reason I am now a android fan for life and have converted my husband into one too!!
Got my CPO DX in January. The phone came in and looked brand new. No scratches, defects, or bugs that I have found yet. My wife got a CLNR droid because her OG droid was rebooting all the time and she has had 0 issues with the new one. I just downloaded Liberty 2.0 and am running the oreo theme on it and overclocked at 1300. This bad boy flies. Glad I didn't get the offense to those who did...just really love the dev support that this phone has. Sorry to rant.....................CLNR and CPO devices rock...there back on topic....:icon_ banana: