Charging My S4 And Got So Hot Couldn't Touch It!


Dec 28, 2012
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I charged my phone last night and have had it for 2 months or so and never had this issue, it was on charge for about 2.5h when I grabbed it and it nearly burnt my hand instantly. It was so hot you couldn't hang onto it for more then a couple seconds without burning your skin, I put it in the open window where here in Ontario Canada it was - 20 out last night to cool down. After cooling down I checked to make sure all was good and to my surprise it worked perfectly, I charged it today and it was perfectly fine!?
I checked online and saw that this has been an issue for others, seeing that I've got a 1year warranty should I send it in or wait and see if it was only this once it overheated well may as well caught fire that's how hot it was I was amazed nothing melted etc. Lol
Could it just be a bad battery or something more serious, I plan on getting a extended life battery as I did with my s3 so it lasts through a day of moderate to heavy use without charging. Thanks for any info/input everyone. Phil

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it could be the battery or the charging circuit. i would return it. a battery that hot has a real danger of exploding, and likely some long term damage was done to it.
it could be the battery or the charging circuit. i would return it. a battery that hot has a real danger of exploding, and likely some long term damage was done to it.

I second that, return it since you'll never be able to trust it charging unattended again. At least I wouldn't.
There had been reports that some S4s came with faulty batteries. You should replace it ASAP but you may be able to call Samsung and get them to send a replacement, (spare).
I wouldn't wait a single day longer. There have been a number of reports of that happening with S4's, and them exploding. Take it back ASAP and get it and the battery replaced.
Perhaps you don't understand.. if the battery blows, it could send shrapnel into your least burn your hand ...and lots of in betweens...
Exactly... The instances that have already occurred have been while unattended. Both had the potential to cause some serious damage both physically, and to property.
I recommend all of the above. Get rid of it ASAP.

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Alright that's enough to scare the **** out of anyone I'd hope, definitely taking it in as soon as they open in the morning rather wait a bit using the ancient loaner phone then get a ear/face full of battery shrapnel and acid!
Since the phone is only 2-3months old I should get a whole new phone correct, or will they just replace the battery? I mean it may never happen again but I don't feel comfortable with the phone at my ear anymore so battery replacement won't help, I should be able to get a whole new phone so I don't feel as worried when using it am I correct? Demand a new phone stating my fear it'll happen again someday and God forbid it be when my 12 year old son is using it like usual, thanks for the info guys/girls I really appreciate it you don't know how much I really do appreciate the heads up on battery explosion etc. I'll get it looked after right away. Thanks Phil

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