Charging cable ?


Apr 6, 2010
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I went from a LG Envy3 to the Droid and have noticed that the Charger & cable look the same (charger puts out the same voltage). It is also two seperate peices like the Droid factory cable basicly a power supply and a cable with a USB end that plugs into the power supply. The end that plugs into the Droid has a letter B on it and the USB mark. Could I use that cablr & or charger on my Droid?
My wife has the EnV3 currently, we share chargers/car chargers all the time, no trouble yet.:motdroidhoriz:
This is another topic that comes up from time to time. Some swear that you're doing your phone an injustice by not using the Droid charger. Others have said that it causes their phone to randomly call people or even send text messages.

I've been running my Droid off of my Storms charger (now hooked up to my Dock) since day 1 and have had 0 issues.
Same Here... I have used several diff chargers, Sprint Motorola Charger, Storm2 Charger, hell even my bluetooth charger... the only diff I notice is the time it takes to charge and thats all down to the mAH/AH output as long as your not going OVER the OEM chargers ratings I think your safe
I went from a LG Envy3 to the Droid and have noticed that the Charger & cable look the same (charger puts out the same voltage). It is also two seperate peices like the Droid factory cable basicly a power supply and a cable with a USB end that plugs into the power supply. The end that plugs into the Droid has a letter B on it and the USB mark. Could I use that cablr & or charger on my Droid?

I use my old LG Chocolate 3 cable (same as Envy3) & adapter to charge my Droid. It works fine (just as well as the Moto), but where you have to worry is in the case of hardwired third party microUSB AC adapters. The $15 one from Wal-Mart I bought and eventually returned caused interference with the screen, and would browse web pages or maps while I was sleeping... (thankfully no text messages or phone calls like others reported)
I switch from my moto charger at home to an lg charger at work with no issue, i also use a generic radioshack car charger that i bought for my dare over a year ago that friggin blasts my droid with a charge in what seems like half the time. I've often wondered if the car charger might be harming my phone but if it is I can't tell.
There are only three requirements for a droid charger: 1) it has the appropriate type of connection 2) it sources sufficient current (>500ma) and 3) it has a 5V regulated output . The power supplies that cause problems have unregulated outputs and could conceivably damage your phone (it's not likely, but it could happen).
I went from a LG Envy3 to the Droid and have noticed that the Charger & cable look the same (charger puts out the same voltage). It is also two seperate peices like the Droid factory cable basicly a power supply and a cable with a USB end that plugs into the power supply. The end that plugs into the Droid has a letter B on it and the USB mark. Could I use that cablr & or charger on my Droid?
If it's less than 850mA then it will charge the Droid slower than the one that came with the Droid.
I've used my Env3 cable and charger with the Droid without any problems. In addition, I've purchased several additional cables (6ft) and chargers from They work superbly and cost much less than OEM or other retail cables. If I remember correctly, a 6ft cable and charger cost under $4.