
DF News Team
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Premium Member
May 16, 2012
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This one has a touch more of a personal interest than others. I try to pack as lightly as possible for these conventions, because Scoliosis and Back Pain are actually common issues for Camera Operators (granted this mostly happens to the more intense outlets that still pack around the huge cameras, but still!). I want to prevent these issues whenever possible, and the option to go Super-light with lighting is a welcome change.

These lights have several other cool features that we did not get around to in the video, such as light sensors so they can flash off of your camera's main flash. But the big points of being super light, rugged, and able to put out quite a good amount of light in a very small package, means I will very likely pick one of these up for use in future conventions (and its good to know that I could put up to 100 of these things together on one phone). Also, still waiting on him to send me that Selfie. ;)
That's a bright little light!

Thanks for bringing CES 2016 to the Droid Forums @Macktion ! Always enjoy checking out your coverage.

S5 tap'n