Complete rebuild from scratch.
What it is:
Stock VZW GB 2.3.5 Release (EI04)
Upgraded to TouchWiz4
Deodexed and zipaligned
New custom kernel
CWR Manager to perform backups and restores
Root with the latest su and SuperUser
sysrw/sysro scripts
Updated Maps, Market, YouTube, MyVerizon
Updated and themed EMail, GMail, Market, Browser, Contacts, and Talk
Basic theming to the statusbar and pull down
Kernel Features:
OC/UV up to 1.6GHz (Use SetCPU found here on XDA)
Updated stock governors to ver 3
Added Interactive, Smartass2, Lagfree, and Smoothass governors
10pt MultiTouch
Added VR IO Scheduler
Added tweaked Deadline IO Scheduler
Please DO NOT check the "Set on Boot" button in SetCPU untill you have tested it, or you may not be able to get control back without a reflash.
Kernel OC done by jmztaylor. He's the man!
You will also find included jrummy's Root Browser app pictured above.
Galaxy Cubed 3
MD5: 0c1906268e31e726b6e3aec6874644ab
Backup Script - A simple batch script to dump everything from your phone for backup purposes. Just Roto's idea batched.
MD5: 06a5080df533b107fed1cd6fc88660cd
Flash each file in Heimdall in the appropriate place.
And of course, Wipe Data/Factory Reset as soon as you flash.

What it is:
Stock VZW GB 2.3.5 Release (EI04)
Upgraded to TouchWiz4
Deodexed and zipaligned
New custom kernel
CWR Manager to perform backups and restores
Root with the latest su and SuperUser
sysrw/sysro scripts
Updated Maps, Market, YouTube, MyVerizon
Updated and themed EMail, GMail, Market, Browser, Contacts, and Talk
Basic theming to the statusbar and pull down
Kernel Features:
OC/UV up to 1.6GHz (Use SetCPU found here on XDA)
Updated stock governors to ver 3
Added Interactive, Smartass2, Lagfree, and Smoothass governors
10pt MultiTouch
Added VR IO Scheduler
Added tweaked Deadline IO Scheduler
Please DO NOT check the "Set on Boot" button in SetCPU untill you have tested it, or you may not be able to get control back without a reflash.
Kernel OC done by jmztaylor. He's the man!
You will also find included jrummy's Root Browser app pictured above.
Galaxy Cubed 3
MD5: 0c1906268e31e726b6e3aec6874644ab
Backup Script - A simple batch script to dump everything from your phone for backup purposes. Just Roto's idea batched.
MD5: 06a5080df533b107fed1cd6fc88660cd
Flash each file in Heimdall in the appropriate place.
And of course, Wipe Data/Factory Reset as soon as you flash.