Can't Send email using AOL


New Member
Aug 24, 2010
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Sorry if this was posted already, but is anyone else having problems sending AOL emails through their phones? I have the Incredible and within the last few weeks I can NOT send emails using my AOL account. I can receive emails however. I can also send emails using my Gmail account.

Called Verizon yesterday, talked to two techs. They ran me through the whole settings issues and nothing worked. Still having problems today.

Is it an AOL Issue? Or Droid?

Any help is appreciated. Incoming server port is 143, Security Type is None. Outgoing server port is 587, Security Type is None.

This is very frustrating since it worked previously.

I use aol on my X.,
I Haven't had any issues.
I imagine you already tried removing your account. Then reinstalling it. If not it would be worth a shot.
Thanks, but I did uninstall my AOL account to no avail. I searched the internet and found others having the same problems. Funny that some can send from their phones and some can't ?

Can't send mail using AOL

I am having the same problem. I have tried everything. Uninstall, reinstall, using other apps (which locked up my phone). I am now getting the emails into my phone again, but I cannot send them no matter what I try... any suggestions?