New Member
i have tried everything to get my phone to charge. i always put it on charger before i go to bed well it stopped charging completely, it would say like 70% after 8 or 9 hrs of charging so i had my phone replaced. new phone same thing, so i go out buy new charger same thing. well i had a new battery sent to me and still won't charge. i now have had it on charger for 5 hours and it wont move off 50%. i make one 20 minute call while still on charger and it's now at 40%. i even went to different house thinking my electric might be messed up in my house nope was there for 5 hours with both phones new and old and new phone new battery charged only to 70% old battery old phone only got to 50%. i had the go launcher and some various other apps on phone took pretty much evrything off and still will not charge. this just started about 2 weeks ago and i have never had much problems with my phone before running any of the apps i had on there expect the whole data thing in which was fix when the upadte came out to fix that problem a few months ago. i have done everything i can think of.