This all started with SeePU. It bogged my D1 down so I got rid of it. Now I'm getting all kinds of redraws with my ADW EX, FC left and right. When I attempt to fix permissions it takes FOREVER. I attempted to boot to recovery so I could clear my caches and I now can't get to recovery. I did the usual flashing back and forth between recoveries, that takes forever as well. I can't get to recovery via the X restart method either. I had planned on at least reflashing my last known back up, can't do that either.
Some help in layman's terms would be appreciated. I am currently teaching w/o a planning period so if I don't see something shortly I can't get back on until the tomorrow evening (unless its sporadic). TIA.
Some help in layman's terms would be appreciated. I am currently teaching w/o a planning period so if I don't see something shortly I can't get back on until the tomorrow evening (unless its sporadic). TIA.
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