The Droid Incredible (and I assume other Droid models) has a "main" Home screen (I think they call it the "Lock" screen) and six other, additional home screens that you can personalize in any way you like. Whenever you turn the phone on, it always goes directly to the "main" Home screen. To get to the other home screens, you scroll left or right.
OK - the "main" Home screen comes with a great, big analog clock in the upper, center portion of the screen. Is it possilbe to also have that same, big, analog clock on your other home screens? So far, I haven't been able to figure out how to put it onto the other home screens as well as the main home screen.
Anyone know if that can be done and, if so, how to do it?
I know you can stick three or four other types of clocks onto the other home screens, but they are all pretty small. I want that big sucker on my other home screens.
OK - the "main" Home screen comes with a great, big analog clock in the upper, center portion of the screen. Is it possilbe to also have that same, big, analog clock on your other home screens? So far, I haven't been able to figure out how to put it onto the other home screens as well as the main home screen.
Anyone know if that can be done and, if so, how to do it?
I know you can stick three or four other types of clocks onto the other home screens, but they are all pretty small. I want that big sucker on my other home screens.