So if there is no SBF for the Gingerbread, then how do we go back to stock if needed? I actually got a replacement for my original Droid 2 Global (left half of the touchscreen literally stopped responding to touches) I was rooted and Running a rom (can't remember what it was called at the moment)**edit** It was the Fission rom.
That D2G was running the stock Froyo when I got it, and I was using Froyo Roms. But the replacement I recieved is running Gingerbread. How do I know if any SBF files I used with my other D2G will work with this one?
Also, I have not rooted yet, as z4root no longer works. I have read that the proceedure for Rooting the Droid 3, works on the D2 Global, is there any confirmation to this? Lastly, I recently got a OTA to 2.3.4. I was always pressing the "Later" button because I wanted to find out if I could root after that update. But eventually it stopped asking and I went in About phone to check and suddenly I was "up to date, no new updates available" or what ever it says. So I am assuming it just did the update on it's own, which is ANNOYING. But oh well.
I mainly am wanting to root cause I wanna try out the MIUI rom. Any info would be greatly appreciated. God Bless ya guys!!!