can I delete words from T9


New Member
Sep 3, 2010
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I use standard keypad when texting & I use T9 or whatever its called on Droid. But cause I type too fast & don't look back enough I'm constantly sending texts with wrong words cause Droid highlights one to pick first. Most of these words I would actually prefer to just delete. I know you can add words. HOw about deleting them? I'm just not a big fan of qwerty either. Thanks. replies on this post and I continue to go bonkers sending idiot texts cause I don't check every damn word I text and my untrainable droid insists on putting in words that are made out of the letters I type that I've NEVER heard of. I didn't even know some of these words were even IN a dictionary! Haha...anyways.....someone..anyone? Can we delete words from the droid memory??? or only add them?
Menu, settings, Language & Keyboard, Touch Input, User Dictionary. Once at User Dictionary, press menu, then delete, then select the words you want to delete. There you go. dancedroid
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Browseabout - THANK YOU!!!! I LOVE YOU!!! Haha. That helps a lot. Thats only the USER dictionary but I was able to clean out a crap load of stuff that I have no idea how it even got in there! Wish I had full access to the phones dictionary but guess not. Still some bogus words in my T9 but at least now I'll make sense half the time when I'm typing and not "checking" what I"m typing. Haha!
Thanks again!!!!
Another question on this darn topic. How are words getting added to my user dictionary when I'm not purposely adding them? I am constantly cleaning out this user dictionary now which accumulates ton's of nonsense words. What prompts the incredible to "add" a word to the user dictionary and how can I avoid this?