

Aug 4, 2010
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I have find that the stock camera app on my dx is horrible, unresponsive and very slow, any suggestions on other camera apps, I am rooted if that makes a difference

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try out vignette, there is a paid version and a free version and most people who have a problem with the stock camera say they like it more, plus it comes with a ton of features and filters.
Camera FX. Made an unbelievable difference in the quality of my pics. I had the same problem as you, did alot of research and narrowed it down to that and Vignette. I chose Camera FX because of the vast amount of fun extras they have.
But if I were you I wouldn't even mess with any other apps but those.
You'll be happy with the results. Big difference.

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I've used vignette for about a year. Great app and devs are very friendly and responsive. They fixed the rooted gb probs three days after the leak.