I was a Verizon customer for 21 years. Last summer they shut 1 of 2 lte cells in my town off because it was for emergency personnel to use and they switched carriers. Needless to say lte has been unusable in most parts of town and the Note2 refuses to drop to 3g most of the time because , well it just refuses. After months of talking to various folks at Verizon they decided to see if there was a new cell needed and if so a place to locate it. My church was willing to put one in its steeple, the folks at Verizon came out and tested things around town and came to the conclusion that though there is technically lte, it's basically unusable so the cell was needed. Someone at corporate decided since there is technically lte, no need for more and shot the whole thing down.
Once out of contract a few months I was offered the "loyalty plan" if I signed another contract only. 21 years of on time payments isn't loyalty? (Insert profanity here) that!
T-Mobile has a reputation here for horrible reception but since my wife was interested in the Wal-Mart plan that uses T-Mobile I went by a store and checked things out. Man am I glad I did.
I got the same unlimited minutes/texts and 1gb of data for the same price Verizon offered but without the contract. I also technically have unlimited data after the 1gb but it's at EDGE speed. When you've had 0 ability to use data for so long, it seems like lightning speed vs "can't establish connection" speed. At my house I have 0 ability to use data with Verizon. T-Mobile, depending on the time of day I'm getting between 12-18Mbps down and 3-8Mbps up. It's pretty much the same all over town and surrounding.
The salesman put a SIM card in my Note2 and it works fine but a small voice that has been nagging me since I first got the Note2 said once again "check out the G2". Wow am I glad I did. Phablet sized screen (usable in G2 actually bigger than Note2) on a Rezound sized device? That's just the start of my likes about the new phone. It took me about 5 seconds to acclimate and actually prefer the button placement.
I think others have pretty much covered the perks of the phone in other threads but no Touch Wiz induced lag is pretty darn nice, reception and quality with the Note2 and G2 having a T-Mobile SIM card is hands down winner with the G2. Calls sound like the person is beside me in person vs the dungeon sound on the Note2 and on Verizon it sounded like the other person was in a dungeon with their phone in speakerphone and they felt like skipping words mid way just to be cruel. I never dropped a call with Verizon but I can't count how many times the call was illegible due to dropouts.
My wife ended up sticking with Verizon but moved to pre pay and she and my middle daughter both bought iPhone 4s's. That way their forced into 3g , which is very very useable in my town. They're both happy .
I am really enjoying my move from Samsung and Verizon to the G2. Mommas happy too so all is well.
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Once out of contract a few months I was offered the "loyalty plan" if I signed another contract only. 21 years of on time payments isn't loyalty? (Insert profanity here) that!
T-Mobile has a reputation here for horrible reception but since my wife was interested in the Wal-Mart plan that uses T-Mobile I went by a store and checked things out. Man am I glad I did.
I got the same unlimited minutes/texts and 1gb of data for the same price Verizon offered but without the contract. I also technically have unlimited data after the 1gb but it's at EDGE speed. When you've had 0 ability to use data for so long, it seems like lightning speed vs "can't establish connection" speed. At my house I have 0 ability to use data with Verizon. T-Mobile, depending on the time of day I'm getting between 12-18Mbps down and 3-8Mbps up. It's pretty much the same all over town and surrounding.
The salesman put a SIM card in my Note2 and it works fine but a small voice that has been nagging me since I first got the Note2 said once again "check out the G2". Wow am I glad I did. Phablet sized screen (usable in G2 actually bigger than Note2) on a Rezound sized device? That's just the start of my likes about the new phone. It took me about 5 seconds to acclimate and actually prefer the button placement.
I think others have pretty much covered the perks of the phone in other threads but no Touch Wiz induced lag is pretty darn nice, reception and quality with the Note2 and G2 having a T-Mobile SIM card is hands down winner with the G2. Calls sound like the person is beside me in person vs the dungeon sound on the Note2 and on Verizon it sounded like the other person was in a dungeon with their phone in speakerphone and they felt like skipping words mid way just to be cruel. I never dropped a call with Verizon but I can't count how many times the call was illegible due to dropouts.
My wife ended up sticking with Verizon but moved to pre pay and she and my middle daughter both bought iPhone 4s's. That way their forced into 3g , which is very very useable in my town. They're both happy .
I am really enjoying my move from Samsung and Verizon to the G2. Mommas happy too so all is well.
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