First I was a rooted D1 user for two years and Rom Manager was my best friend. Changing Roms daily in some cases.
So I rooted my bionic (902) using the D4 method and now ICS with working LTE is ready. I purchased Bootstrap through the market and while it worked in making a backup it appears to not be the preferred method. I see people posting about Safestrap as being safer as you can keep your stock ROM in a safe area and load a rom into another partition.
So I just need to understand how to use SafeStrap to make a good back up and and how do I flash roms safely
I have to assume there are going to be many new rooted users since the D4 method is so easy.
Thanks for your help!
So I rooted my bionic (902) using the D4 method and now ICS with working LTE is ready. I purchased Bootstrap through the market and while it worked in making a backup it appears to not be the preferred method. I see people posting about Safestrap as being safer as you can keep your stock ROM in a safe area and load a rom into another partition.
So I just need to understand how to use SafeStrap to make a good back up and and how do I flash roms safely
I have to assume there are going to be many new rooted users since the D4 method is so easy.
Thanks for your help!