So basically I was a noob to all this root process and setting it up. I successfully installed the root file a month or two back and used droid over clock, rom manager (until I realized it's bad), bootstrap, superusers permissions and terminal emulator (most major apps) in sync with rooting. I finally wanted a rom/theme; I went with ape.x. Upon installation I failed to realize I should have saved a recovery file prior to that day and the installation of Fabolous' ROM. Not only that I accidentally overwrote the file I had to this date with a new screwed up file of today's events. It's not necessarily screwed up, I say this because I am frustrated beyond belief with searching these forums and the internet. So I flashed back to that faithful ape.x day then overwrote today's file with that same file. STUPID STUPID. I know, either way I think I'd have to come to this solution at the end:
maderstcok - OTA 2.3.340 THAT'S WHERE I'M AT NOW. I downloaded z4Root, got some apps, installed ape.x properly but without any save points, I switched back between certain points to check my data. MY HOME KEY, SEARCH KEY AND LOCK BUTTON DO NOT WORK. They light up, they turn the screen on. They do not: go home, lock the screen or search. Seen this problem on a lot of other forums. I WANT ALL MY DAMN DATA....I WANT IT! Maderstcok is supposed to completely format but it did not. He says I have the option in their, I chose not to. Kill me, my mind is so numb from all this. Believe me if I would have taken the opportunity to read EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING if I had known I'd ever be in this damn position. I'm unrooted with a pointless version, with pointless apps and all my goddamn music is gone. I need help 100% need it. This is worse than a brick, it's just a phone to me and honestly wind knocking my papers over is more of an issue than calling anyone, but my countless files, information, settings and data are more important than both the paperweight and the phone option.
System Version: 2.3.340.MB810.V.en.US

Android Version: 2.2.1
Base VER: BP_C_01.09.07P
That's where I'm at with the maderstcok stock settings, with worthless home, search and lock keys.
My phone to be back to stock settings with or without root
A couple of guides about rooting and bootstrap working hand in hand
My Hardware buttons to f****** work..
My information and contacts to come back
Also, constructive criticism on ROMS, specifically ones with the longest battery levels, sleekest themes, easiest ui (ADW LauncherPro) and most importantly a rom best compatible with the droid overclock application bought off of the market. I want to do what all you people do, develop, hack and create. I'm itching to code, to create software/apps and themes people talk about on here. I want to be a part of all this so bad.
I'm going outside to smoke some pot and ponder about how much better it would be with music, oh and also about what I'm going to do with my phone..