[BootAnimation] JRummy BA Ideas, got any???

Apparently no one cares. That's ok, my feelers aren't hurt.

LOL. Don't feel bad dude. My first couple BAs were met with little intrigue. Once I started using vector images in Flash and put out some completely original stuff, then people were eating them up like hotcakes.
Sometimes, some people just don't care for the animation you made. Not saying it isn't good work, just that a lot of people don't think BAs are an important aspect of the phone. Which I respect.

Speaking of....I think it's about time I make a new one ;)

I appreciate the feedback. Yea my skills and artistic ideas are up there. I've been an artist all my life, tattooing and such also. Just now started messing around with this. I like it but I don't think I'm using the right technique's and/or program's to do what I want too.

But I've got time on my hands and I'm not the type to give up. I've always liked helpful and constructive criticism, so thanks again:)

And you better get on it, making another BA that is.
Can you post a link for it if it hasnt been already? I cant find one. Also I find that the droid logo at the end is not exactly the best of choices, theres got to be something better than that, that you can loop....
I like it!!! post up a link or gtalk me

Your a hard man to get a hold of, know your busy.

Actually I though the thread was pulled so I quit working on it. The OP is updated.

It now has a link for the original one I did. May do another.

Sorry bout that:)
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Can you post a link for it if it hasnt been already? I cant find one. Also I find that the droid logo at the end is not exactly the best of choices, theres got to be something better than that, that you can loop....

Link has been posted, sorry for the delay.

And thanks!
I know this has been a while but I'm just now seeing that boot animation and it is great! Like to see what you could do for the JRummy/Kejar rom Liberty. Right now I'm using this one:

Doctor droid working on a smashed apple?

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