[BootAnimation] JRummy BA Ideas, got any???


Silver Member
Sep 14, 2010
Reaction score
Round Rock, TX
Due to the fact I thought this was pulled, I didn't post a link for download.

Sorry about that all. No one notified me it had been moved or stickied. So I quit working on it.

Here is the original one I made. The file is too large to post the zip here, sorry.

Here ya go>>> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=K2ITF697

Here's an idea>>> [video=youtube;F666FrmggN8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F666FrmggN8[/video]
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Really? No feedback or ideas? I know this isn't the top thing on peoples mind, but come on! A little help would be helpful, lol:)

c]=[k(V)8's Droid X Tapatalk
Looks sick as hell. I like it. dancedroid

Thanks for the reply. Apparently no one cares. That's ok, my feelers aren't hurt.

Thanks again.

c]=[k(V)8's Droid X Tapatalk

Im still stuck on rubiX but I think it looks great

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App

Yea I think I will be a rubiX guy too, at least till I change devices:)

But thank you for replying detoX and v4npro. I probably shouldn't have posted this here but oh well. I thought it looked pretty cool
Whoa that looks awesome, not a fan of the stock Droid x boot at the end tho.
Looks great man, great job!! I also liked the DroidForums logo to the left! :dancedroid:

DroidForums junkie!!
Whoa that looks awesome, not a fan of the stock Droid x boot at the end tho.

Well since I'm not any good at editing the desc.txt file I build a lot of mine of the Droid Does red/blue shatter boot animation.

I can do my own images toward the end but the speed looks funky. Any suggestions would be great:)

Tap'n from DX while sit'n by a PC.