I awoke to my phone booting up. After a few minutes I did a battery pull. It rebooted normally. I checked the battery stats and I can tell it was looping for a
couple of hours while I was sleeping. Before going to sleep, I deleted some downloaded Roms and GAPPS. I'm running AOKP and Franco kernel. I did not delete any of the previous downloads of this rom. Do you think this has anything to do with the boot loop?
And if so, what should I do?
View attachment 51385
couple of hours while I was sleeping. Before going to sleep, I deleted some downloaded Roms and GAPPS. I'm running AOKP and Franco kernel. I did not delete any of the previous downloads of this rom. Do you think this has anything to do with the boot loop?
And if so, what should I do?
View attachment 51385