"Blacked Out" Sapphire 2.0..... Screenshots....


Premium Member
Premium Member
Theme Developer
May 6, 2010
Reaction score
Ok, you want the black bar??? Not good enough, get "Blacked Out"!! :)

Whats themed: framework, settings, contacts, phone, email, gmail (my inverted app), new market (my black market), google search, new mms, genie widget, talk, and music...

Whats added: fancy widget and miui music... the stock themes of each will be installed, you will need to download the zips to get "Blacked Out"

Also includes a "Blacked Out" ADW Launcher...

BlackedOutSapphire2.zip - *********** - online file sharing and storage - download



For those of you that use Metamorph, you will need to flash this zip. It installs a MM friendly framework-res.apk...

http://www.mediafire.com/file/s5se6e3lc9n2rmr/BlackedOutSapp2MMfriendlyFW.zip (Thanks MBK!!)



BlackedOutMiuiMusic.zip - *********** - online file sharing and storage - download
BlackedOutFancyWidget.zip - *********** - online file sharing and storage - download


And for the icing on the cake, look in my sig and get my "Blacked Out" Gingerbread keyboard.... be sure to follow the directions!! one zip needs to be installed before the other...



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I blacked out my YouTube and now it is orgasmic. I can't even use my phone with this theme in public because of the huge boners
Thanks man!! I am headed to bed but I will check in tomorrow to see if anybody has any issues....
Thanxx. Just said goodbye to DarkEdge Sap.1.1.5....... Will not be forgotten.
Now I am in dire need of a keyboard. Can i use the one listed in this thread in box 3? Sorry about 'bout being so needy
Look in my sig and click on the keyboard link.... FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS!!!!

One of the files has to be installed BEFORE the other....
Just installed Sapphire 2.0, snagged this theme.... very sexy man. I am very happy with this. Installed the theme + fancy widget. Again, love it so far.
Nice looking theme. Can't wait to try it out tonight. Dumb question; is the circular battery icon part of the theme?

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Yes, the battery is part of the theme....
any way to change the battery icon? tried using metamorph and had to do a battery pull which in turn gave me a boot loop :(
Yeah, I am going to recompile a MM friendly version.... give me a few minutes...
Op updated........

The OP has been updated with a zip that will install a MM friendly framework...

just let me know if you guys have trouble......