so after rooting with hasoon2000's all in one tool, unlocked the boatloader per the instructions, used cwr mod as the flash, did perm root, re-locked the bootloader, and everything was fine. i decided i wanted to flash cm9 onto the rezound, found the newest version, dl'd, and then tried to load into recovery, and couldnt no matter what, decided i would try to re-unlock the bootloader and reflash cwm, and was able to load up cwm recovery perfectly fine. phone was working perfectly fine, did a titanium backup prior to booting into recovery...however i forgot to make a full backup in recovery before wiping data and cache, and then installed it installed fine, but when i went to reboot, it got stuck at the white htc screen...tried reinstalling, and same thing....tried installing ineffabilis to resolve, and it gets past the white screen, but then black screen, but with the keys still backlite...sooooooo yeah need some kind of help, i would do a recovery to prior to the cm9 install, but i failed to make the backup, and only recovery i have is from i think prior to the ICS update. any help would be much appreciated...