Best way to backup when switching roms?


Dec 27, 2009
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I'm sure alot of you change from ROM to ROM as much as I do and every time I switch using nandroid I lose everything. Whats the best way to backup all this stuff so its an easy switch. I'm sure theres a thread around here somewhere but i cant find it.

Thanks in advance for help!
Before switching, do an advanced nandroid backup and select everything for backup. Then do the restore of the new rom. Then, if you're coming from the same base rom, you can usually restore the data of your previous rom.

Or, get titanium from the market. Use it to backup before the new rom. Then after installing the rom, download it again & use it to restore your apps.
Titanium Backup, for sure. Backups all your apps, and there's an awesome batch install option with the paid version. No more clicking Install, Done, etc etc.