Hi all, this is my thread on xda ported here so everyone can benefit:
Hi All, This is an All-in-one thread with available roms (for both Eclair and GOT 2.2.1 leak), how to root + apply roms for GOT 2.2.1 Leak, petitions, projects, etc. Please read everything carefully and good luck
Disclaimer: I am not responsible if anything happens to your device. Please read the whole text over before applying roms. Use at your own risk.
It is strongly recommended that you wipe data + cache + dlavik (may not be spelled right) cache before applying ANY roms.
Also, make sure to have vulnerable recovery and root installed (I do not think you need vulnerable recovery for 2.1 BUT ROOT IS NEEDED) However it is acquired, root is needed.
How-To Root (On GOT 2.2.1) (All the files were taken straight from the GOT homepage)
Note: Please, make sure your device is fully charged before you attempt to do this!
The following files all have vulnerable recovery pre-installed:
DACH – GERMANY : - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
DACH AUSTRIA : - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
RETAIL EUROPE (RTEU) : - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
FRANCE RETAIL : - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
ITALY WIND : - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
UK RETAIL (RTUK) : - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
TELUS CANADA : - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
Download the file according to where you live.
Now, you must install RSD Lite (taken from <<RSD Lite 4.9 Released>> - GSM-Forum
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
mirror: - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! (not tested by me, found from here: [HOW-TO] Install OR, Custom ROM, Themes - Revert stock - List OR options, ROMs, Links - xda-developers thanks nagi603 and eXtink please report in comments if it works!)
I'm pretty sure you may have to install the drivers for your device, a simple google may help. - This may be required.
Next, open RSD Lite and click the "..." and navigate to the file you have downloaded above.
Next, plug in your phone in bootloader mode. To do this, turn your phone off, then hold the power button, the top volume button and the camera button at the same time. Then you should enter bootloader mode. It should say Bootloader at the top. Make sure, at the bottom it says "Battery OK". Please, make sure you have fully charged your device! Then click the start button. Wait for a while.
Once its booted, plug the device into your computer via usb, then go to memory card access. Then go to the root of the sd card (on your computer)
Now, download and OR (For this tutorial, I will be using Androidani 3.3, the link is a the bottom).
In the rar file there should be two things. One should be a folder named "OpenRecovery" (Note: Make sure thats the file name!) and an file. Next, put the OpenRecovery folder in the root of your sd card. (If you have never used an OR before, you should NOT have to replace anything!) Also put the in the root of your sd card.
Next, turn the phone off. Now, while turning your phone on, (THIS MAY NOT WORK FOR SOME PEOPLE) hold the camera and power button until you see the M logo, then release the power button but keep holding the camera button. You should see a caution sign. Next, click the up button (on the volume rocker) and camera button after. Keep trying it if it doesn't take you to a menu. Next, slide out your keyboard then using the d-pad navigate to "apply" and click the middle button. Once its applied, you should have a bigger, longer menu. Then navigate to root phone in the new menu. Once this is done, you should be rooted.
How to apply custom roms:
Now that you have root and an OR (Open Recovery), turn on your phone and plug it into your computer in memory card access. (Or, you can navigate to the OR [By above method] and click memory card access, it should be the first or second option in the menu)
Once you are at the root of your sd card, go to OpenRecovery folder, then click updates. After that, put a rom that is an UPDATE (Some roms are not, some can be nandroid backups. It should specify on thread) For example, as of now, cyanogen mod by kabaldan is an update.
If the rom is a nandroid backup (Again, it should specify on thread) (For example, as of now, MotoFroyoSense is a nandroid backup), then navigate to the root folder then go to nandroid folder and click one of the folders within the nandroid folder (any, it doesn't matter) and put the nandroid backup (AS A FOLDER, not rar) and finally, turn off your phone.
Then navigate back to the OpenRecovery menu and click updates (if its an update rom) and click it, or if its a nandroid, navigate to nandroid then nandroid restore, and restore the rom.
Remember to wipe before you apply any roms!
Now, as an addition, here are all the roms available for milestone! They can be found in a cleaner thread: Must see thread of all roms!! All of them!!! Have a look
- xda-developers
2.2.1 (GOT) Leak roms:
The Froyo Mod by 89luca89:
[ROM-AOSP][27-04-2011] The FroyoMOD v2.7.0- Many steps forward! - xda-developers
Cyanogen Mod by the famous kabaldan:
[ROM][pre-final 0.08-11.03.18] CyanogenMod 6.1.2 for Milestone (2.2.1+) - xda-developers
Shadowmod-br by Edgard Castro:
[ROM] ShadowMOD-br v0.9.16 (2011-01-27) - xda-developers
iceandfire by iceandfire:
[ROM-CM6] iceandfire V1.0.5 [21.Mar.11] (pre-final) - xda-developers
MIUI rom by Miui-Team:
Lalit Miui mod:
[Rom](Update:4-30)Gingerbread: Miui-4/29 Full Miui rom with English Pack and apps2ext - xda-developers
For more Miui info, you can go to (Run by Markhuk)
HO!NO! CM6 mod by HO!NO! (As of now, this must be applied over CM6 as nandroid. Please ensure that the version of HO!NO! complies with whichever version of CM6 you are using. Also, if market is not functioning properly, there is a method to fix on the thread):
[ROM] HO!NO! mod CM7.1.0-RC3-11.05.15 - xda-developers
There is also a rom called Cronos Froyo but it is not on these forums anymore. A simple google search can probably get you to the right place.
Gingerbread roms for GOT 2.2.1
These can be applied with the GOT 2.2.1 sbf (YOU MUST HAVE ROOT!)
Cyanogen Mod 7 (nightly, so its probably beta) kabaldan:
[ROM] CyanogenMod 7.1.0 RC3 11.05.15 (Android 2.3.4) - xda-developers
ShadowMOD-BR v2.3.2 by edgardcastro:
[ROM] (AOSP GINGERBREAD) ShadowMOD-BR v2.3.2b6 [2010-02-11] - xda-developers
Eclair (2.1) roms
Telus Lite V5 -- THE Fastest Eclair mod by xslntx :
Telus Lite V5.2 [3/7/2011] -- THE Fastest Eclair mod - xda-developers
I think these are compatible with both 2.2.1 (GOT leak) and 2.1
MotoFroyoSense by Dexter Picard. This is a Desire Z port to milestone by the great Dexter Picard. (I can confirm this working on 2.2.1 GOT leak using Androidani 3.3 and wiping dlavik cache + cache after nandroid update. I DO NOT THINK YOU CAN WIPE DATA SO YOU MUST NANDROID BACKUP BEFORE YOU INSTALL):
[ROM][07-apr-2011][v0.25v][patch update] MotoFroyoSense (HTC DesireZ SenseUI 2.0) - xda-developers
HTC 2.1 Senseui Mod for Milestone by Dexter Picard. This is a 2.1 sense port from Desire ( I think). (This can be confirmed working for me on GOT 2.2.1 leak using androidani 3.3 and wiping dlavik cache and cache after nandroid backup. )
Other Roms that I am not sure if are compatible with 2.1 or 2.2.1 (GOT LEAK)
MotoBlur for Milestone by Dexter Picard:
[ROM][V0.2d][13-sep-2010] Froyo 2.2 MotoBlur for Milestone - xda-developers
Fast-Light-Rom by HTCDevil
[Rom] Fast-Light-Rom v1 (02.31) - v2, v2a (02.38) Milestone (EU) - xda-developers
Eclair Mod by 89luca89:
[ROM]EclairMOD v0.3b Faster and More Reliable - xda-developers
Now for avaiable leaks so far(2.2)(Froyo)
Jan.25/10 Leak 2.2.1 (I THINK) : [Expired as Official Released] Moto APAC leak-25*1 / Apps2ext / Themes - xda-developers
Older leak : VIVO: Motorola Froyo 2.2.1 [14 Jan 11 - Vivo Brasil][OUTDATED: SEE FIRST POST] - xda-developers
Oldest leak: GOT 2.2.1:
G.O.T 2.2.1 released « G.O.T.'s Blog
Other (Supposed) European 2.2.1 leak:
European Moto Froyo 2.2.1 leak - xda-developers
There is also a project for brute forcing the milestone keys!:
BOINC Project for bruteforcing Milestone's RSA Keys (This time for real!) - xda-developers
Open Recoveries:
Androidani 3.3 by Azhad:
Androidiani OpenRecovery 3.3 - xda-developers
Petition to get bootloader free + 2.3 on milestone by Wing_Zero85 :
Petition to get Android 2.3 on Milestone and Petition to make the Bootloader free. - xda-developers
Thanks to all the developers and all the members that made this happen. I want to say a specific thanks to sileshn for unintentionally inspiring me to make this thread
Please press the thanks button if I helped. If a mod thinks this should be stickied, please do
Hi all, this is my thread on xda ported here so everyone can benefit:
Hi All, This is an All-in-one thread with available roms (for both Eclair and GOT 2.2.1 leak), how to root + apply roms for GOT 2.2.1 Leak, petitions, projects, etc. Please read everything carefully and good luck

Disclaimer: I am not responsible if anything happens to your device. Please read the whole text over before applying roms. Use at your own risk.
It is strongly recommended that you wipe data + cache + dlavik (may not be spelled right) cache before applying ANY roms.
Also, make sure to have vulnerable recovery and root installed (I do not think you need vulnerable recovery for 2.1 BUT ROOT IS NEEDED) However it is acquired, root is needed.

How-To Root (On GOT 2.2.1) (All the files were taken straight from the GOT homepage)
Note: Please, make sure your device is fully charged before you attempt to do this!
The following files all have vulnerable recovery pre-installed:
DACH – GERMANY : - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
DACH AUSTRIA : - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
RETAIL EUROPE (RTEU) : - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
FRANCE RETAIL : - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
ITALY WIND : - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
UK RETAIL (RTUK) : - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
TELUS CANADA : - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
Download the file according to where you live.
Now, you must install RSD Lite (taken from <<RSD Lite 4.9 Released>> - GSM-Forum
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
mirror: - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! (not tested by me, found from here: [HOW-TO] Install OR, Custom ROM, Themes - Revert stock - List OR options, ROMs, Links - xda-developers thanks nagi603 and eXtink please report in comments if it works!)
I'm pretty sure you may have to install the drivers for your device, a simple google may help. - This may be required.
Next, open RSD Lite and click the "..." and navigate to the file you have downloaded above.
Next, plug in your phone in bootloader mode. To do this, turn your phone off, then hold the power button, the top volume button and the camera button at the same time. Then you should enter bootloader mode. It should say Bootloader at the top. Make sure, at the bottom it says "Battery OK". Please, make sure you have fully charged your device! Then click the start button. Wait for a while.
Once its booted, plug the device into your computer via usb, then go to memory card access. Then go to the root of the sd card (on your computer)
Now, download and OR (For this tutorial, I will be using Androidani 3.3, the link is a the bottom).
In the rar file there should be two things. One should be a folder named "OpenRecovery" (Note: Make sure thats the file name!) and an file. Next, put the OpenRecovery folder in the root of your sd card. (If you have never used an OR before, you should NOT have to replace anything!) Also put the in the root of your sd card.
Next, turn the phone off. Now, while turning your phone on, (THIS MAY NOT WORK FOR SOME PEOPLE) hold the camera and power button until you see the M logo, then release the power button but keep holding the camera button. You should see a caution sign. Next, click the up button (on the volume rocker) and camera button after. Keep trying it if it doesn't take you to a menu. Next, slide out your keyboard then using the d-pad navigate to "apply" and click the middle button. Once its applied, you should have a bigger, longer menu. Then navigate to root phone in the new menu. Once this is done, you should be rooted.
How to apply custom roms:
Now that you have root and an OR (Open Recovery), turn on your phone and plug it into your computer in memory card access. (Or, you can navigate to the OR [By above method] and click memory card access, it should be the first or second option in the menu)
Once you are at the root of your sd card, go to OpenRecovery folder, then click updates. After that, put a rom that is an UPDATE (Some roms are not, some can be nandroid backups. It should specify on thread) For example, as of now, cyanogen mod by kabaldan is an update.
If the rom is a nandroid backup (Again, it should specify on thread) (For example, as of now, MotoFroyoSense is a nandroid backup), then navigate to the root folder then go to nandroid folder and click one of the folders within the nandroid folder (any, it doesn't matter) and put the nandroid backup (AS A FOLDER, not rar) and finally, turn off your phone.
Then navigate back to the OpenRecovery menu and click updates (if its an update rom) and click it, or if its a nandroid, navigate to nandroid then nandroid restore, and restore the rom.
Remember to wipe before you apply any roms!
Now, as an addition, here are all the roms available for milestone! They can be found in a cleaner thread: Must see thread of all roms!! All of them!!! Have a look

2.2.1 (GOT) Leak roms:
The Froyo Mod by 89luca89:
[ROM-AOSP][27-04-2011] The FroyoMOD v2.7.0- Many steps forward! - xda-developers
Cyanogen Mod by the famous kabaldan:
[ROM][pre-final 0.08-11.03.18] CyanogenMod 6.1.2 for Milestone (2.2.1+) - xda-developers
Shadowmod-br by Edgard Castro:
[ROM] ShadowMOD-br v0.9.16 (2011-01-27) - xda-developers
iceandfire by iceandfire:
[ROM-CM6] iceandfire V1.0.5 [21.Mar.11] (pre-final) - xda-developers
MIUI rom by Miui-Team:
Lalit Miui mod:
[Rom](Update:4-30)Gingerbread: Miui-4/29 Full Miui rom with English Pack and apps2ext - xda-developers
For more Miui info, you can go to (Run by Markhuk)
HO!NO! CM6 mod by HO!NO! (As of now, this must be applied over CM6 as nandroid. Please ensure that the version of HO!NO! complies with whichever version of CM6 you are using. Also, if market is not functioning properly, there is a method to fix on the thread):
[ROM] HO!NO! mod CM7.1.0-RC3-11.05.15 - xda-developers
There is also a rom called Cronos Froyo but it is not on these forums anymore. A simple google search can probably get you to the right place.
Gingerbread roms for GOT 2.2.1
These can be applied with the GOT 2.2.1 sbf (YOU MUST HAVE ROOT!)
Cyanogen Mod 7 (nightly, so its probably beta) kabaldan:
[ROM] CyanogenMod 7.1.0 RC3 11.05.15 (Android 2.3.4) - xda-developers
ShadowMOD-BR v2.3.2 by edgardcastro:
[ROM] (AOSP GINGERBREAD) ShadowMOD-BR v2.3.2b6 [2010-02-11] - xda-developers
Eclair (2.1) roms
Telus Lite V5 -- THE Fastest Eclair mod by xslntx :
Telus Lite V5.2 [3/7/2011] -- THE Fastest Eclair mod - xda-developers
I think these are compatible with both 2.2.1 (GOT leak) and 2.1
MotoFroyoSense by Dexter Picard. This is a Desire Z port to milestone by the great Dexter Picard. (I can confirm this working on 2.2.1 GOT leak using Androidani 3.3 and wiping dlavik cache + cache after nandroid update. I DO NOT THINK YOU CAN WIPE DATA SO YOU MUST NANDROID BACKUP BEFORE YOU INSTALL):
[ROM][07-apr-2011][v0.25v][patch update] MotoFroyoSense (HTC DesireZ SenseUI 2.0) - xda-developers
HTC 2.1 Senseui Mod for Milestone by Dexter Picard. This is a 2.1 sense port from Desire ( I think). (This can be confirmed working for me on GOT 2.2.1 leak using androidani 3.3 and wiping dlavik cache and cache after nandroid backup. )
Other Roms that I am not sure if are compatible with 2.1 or 2.2.1 (GOT LEAK)
MotoBlur for Milestone by Dexter Picard:
[ROM][V0.2d][13-sep-2010] Froyo 2.2 MotoBlur for Milestone - xda-developers
Fast-Light-Rom by HTCDevil
[Rom] Fast-Light-Rom v1 (02.31) - v2, v2a (02.38) Milestone (EU) - xda-developers
Eclair Mod by 89luca89:
[ROM]EclairMOD v0.3b Faster and More Reliable - xda-developers
Now for avaiable leaks so far(2.2)(Froyo)
Jan.25/10 Leak 2.2.1 (I THINK) : [Expired as Official Released] Moto APAC leak-25*1 / Apps2ext / Themes - xda-developers
Older leak : VIVO: Motorola Froyo 2.2.1 [14 Jan 11 - Vivo Brasil][OUTDATED: SEE FIRST POST] - xda-developers
Oldest leak: GOT 2.2.1:
G.O.T 2.2.1 released « G.O.T.'s Blog
Other (Supposed) European 2.2.1 leak:
European Moto Froyo 2.2.1 leak - xda-developers
There is also a project for brute forcing the milestone keys!:
BOINC Project for bruteforcing Milestone's RSA Keys (This time for real!) - xda-developers
Open Recoveries:
Androidani 3.3 by Azhad:
Androidiani OpenRecovery 3.3 - xda-developers
Petition to get bootloader free + 2.3 on milestone by Wing_Zero85 :
Petition to get Android 2.3 on Milestone and Petition to make the Bootloader free. - xda-developers
Thanks to all the developers and all the members that made this happen. I want to say a specific thanks to sileshn for unintentionally inspiring me to make this thread
Please press the thanks button if I helped. If a mod thinks this should be stickied, please do

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