Battery life?


New Member
Yeah. I just use smart actions to turn cell data off when screen is off. That way, I am only using 4g when I am actually using the phone. Before, the 4g would run my battery down all day. I would have the phone in my pocket for 5 hours and the first time I pull it out to use it, it would say battery at 50 percent.

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Active Member
Get the app 4G Toggle and only use 4G when you need it, 3G the rest of the time. I don't turn off my radios because I want my constant connection device constantly connected; turning it off works, too, but what's the point of that?

Sliced from my RAZR


New Member
View attachment 45314

Hey all,

just want to share my battery experience with Razr. With average use (factor in: calls and sms, some games, some motocast streams, music playing, bluetooth transfers, e-book reading and web browsing at 50% Display Brightness) mine lasted for 1day and 3 hours (please see screenshot) and actually have 20% charge left. I'm assuming that it would last me at least an hour or two so probably 27-30 hours of total usage. I'm quite happy with the results :happy3:

what do you use to get that


New Member
It you a using the internet all the time, the juice will fast be low.
You can download a program to close "not used" programs that runs in the background.
You can also turn down for the light. that helps a lot :)


New Member
Try turning off 4G when you do not need it...Battery life should really improve.

Its work!



New Member
what do you use to get that

Smart Action definitely helps. Try playing around with brightness settings if you're running out of juice.

Another thing that I do is turn off background data and user wireless networks before I sleep.

Lastly, data is off when not on use.


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New Member
If you turn off your background data, do you still get email notifications?

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If you turn off your background data, do you still get email notifications?

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no. not unless yo physically go check yourself in the app. so when you open yahoo mail for example. it will load the emails. and then it will show up in the notification bar. but unless you check it yourself it will not notify you of emails


I typically run wifi or 3 g when i dont plan on doing seems to help.

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New Member
If you are in Wi-Fi range, should you turn it on and let the phone use it, or just keep it off and use 3G? Which would use less battery? And if it is on and connected, will your phone in fact use it instead of 3G? Thanks.

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New Member
Yesterday - average usage - at the end of the day ( 10hours) - 60% (1-3 calls,wifi,5min games and etc.)
Today - average usage about 7 hours and heavy about 2-3 (downloading games ,playing,surfing) 11 hours - 20%


New Member
Verizon Location Agent is sucking my battery dry. 43% of my battery was used by it in 6 hours. My battery is at 20%. Why does it always prompt for me to put the GPS on?


New Member
i used smart action, (trigger - display off / action - wifi off - data sync off - mobile network off ) with normal usage im getting about 20 hours, still looking to get more out of it though.


Don't be afraid to play with smart actions too. Smart actions made a world of difference with my battery life.

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